Configuration - Data360_Govern - Preview

Data360 Govern Help

Product type
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Precisely Data Integrity Suite > Govern
Data360 Govern
Product name
Data360 Govern
Data360 Govern Help
First publish date

This section describes how system administrators can configure the required information architecture to support the users of your Data360 Govern system.

Data360 Govern is a highly configurable application, providing a great deal of flexibility for customizing the system to provide a solution to match the specific data governance requirements of any organization.

As a system administrator, you can configure the required information architecture for the data stewards, business owners and data protection officers who will be working with your system to support their data governance initiatives. Creating and maintaining the information architecture is done through the Configuration menu.

If you have administrator permissions, you can access the Configuration menu from the navigation bar.

The Configuration menu contains links to the elements that combine to make up the framework of your implementation.

Before building out your data governance framework, you should already have a good idea about how you wish to structure your governance efforts, including:

  • Business Asset types - For example, Business Terms, Applications, Processes.
  • Models - For example, Investments, Retail Banking, Human Resources, Sales.
  • Policies - For example, GDPR, CECL, Dodd Frank.
  • Quality rules and API integrations.
  • Relationships - For example, policy governs business term, model groups business term, quality rule validates business term.

For an introduction to how these elements fit together to make up your system, see Understanding the framework.

Alternatively, you can purchase a pre-configured, standard template which is available as an option with all new installations, and gives you a basic configuration that you can use as a foundation to kick-start your implementation. For more information about the Govern Standard Metamodel Template, please contact your Precisely representative.