Field settings - Data360_Govern - Preview

Data360 Govern Help

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Data360 Govern
Precisely Data Integrity Suite > Govern
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Data360 Govern
Data360 Govern Help
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Users with administrator permissions can define fields on asset types. The field settings that are available will vary depending on the selected field type.

Tip: You can use the GET Assets API v2.0 to get a list of field types on a given asset type. To open the Swagger page, navigate to Administration > API.
  • Field Name - Define a name for the field.
  • API Name - The API Name is automatically generated based on the value that you enter for the Field Name. The API Name represents the name that is referenced when loading data using the API and it must be unique. You can modify the API Name if required.
    Note: You cannot define a field with an API Name of KeyPath, Path, or DisplayPath.
  • Category - The category that the field will be included in. Fields that are added to the same category are grouped together on the asset detail page. If a category is not assigned to a field, it appears in the General property category. Workflow action types are assigned to the default Form Fields category if no custom category is defined. You can also use the menu button in the Category field to choose from any previously defined categories for the asset type.

    There is always a System Fields category which contains the default fields. If you create a custom field with a category named "System Fields", the field will be added to the default System Fields category. By default, all categories are expanded, except for System Fields, which is always the last in the list. The General category is the first in the list and, if it is collapsed, only the fields it contains are hidden. All other categories remain visible.

  • Display Description - Optionally, enter a description to be displayed in a tooltip when hovering over the field on the asset detail page.
  • Form Description - Optionally, enter a description to be displayed in a tooltip when editing the asset details and hovering over the field.
  • Listable - Determines whether or not the field appears as a column on a related grid, for example the display of assets within a glossary list page. If Listable is set to True, the Column Width (pixels) and Sort Order settings are available:
    • Column Width (pixels) - Sets a value, in pixels, for the column width of the field when it appears on a related grid. This setting is available if Listable is set to True.

      Note: You can specify the column width for business asset, technical asset, rule, model and policy list pages, as well as the width on an Excel export.
      Note: In Excel, the width of a column depends on the width of the font that is defined for the usual style of a workbook. Therefore, the actual width of a column might not exactly match the column width that you specify for the field. For example, the export file uses 11pt Calibri for its usual style, and a column width of 400 pixels defined in Data360 Govern results in a column width of 280 pixels in Excel.
    • Sort Order - Defines how multiple fields of the same asset are displayed in a grid. This setting is available if Listable is set to True. You can choose to sort in Ascending or Descending order. Fields are sorted in ascending order by default.
      Tip: Sorting is case insensitive. For example, a record with the value "A" is considered the same as a record with the value "a".

      If you define a Sort Order on multiple fields on an asset, the data is first sorted on the field with the lowest sort order value. If there are two records with the same value, the data will then be sorted on the field with the next lowest sort order value.

      For example, you have a "Country" field with a sort order of 1, and a "Town" field with a sort order of 2. There are two records in the country field with the same value: India, UK, USA and USA. In this case, the USA records would be sorted according to the Town field, with the Boston record listed before the Chicago record.
  • Add To Search Results - Determines whether or not the field is displayed on the search results card on the Search Results page for the asset type. When Add To Search Results is set to True, the field label and value will be displayed on the search results card, in the following format: <Field label>: <value>

    For example: Number of Records: 1589

    If Add To Search Results is set to True, the Prefix, Suffix and Display Order settings are available. You can customize the display of the field on the search results card by replacing the field label with a Prefix, a Suffix or both. For example, entering a Suffix of records would replace the default field display of "Number of Records: 1589" with "1589 records".

    If multiple fields on an asset type have the Add To Search Results option selected, the display order is based on the order that the fields are defined. To override the field display order, enter a number in the Display Order field. If some fields have a Display Order defined and others do not, the fields without a display order will display first. If the Display Order is set to the same value on two different fields, the order that the fields are defined will be used as a secondary sort.

    There is no limit to the number of fields that you can add to the search results for an asset type. Note that field label and values that exceed 150px in length will be elided with the full value shown in a tooltip, even if you have only added one field to the search results.

    Tip: Fields defined on asset types in which the API Name is defined as "Name" or "Description" will automatically display on the search results card. In addition, fields defined on asset types using the Field Type of "Tag" will also automatically display on the search results card.
  • Editable on UI - Sets whether or not the field value can be edited. For action types, this setting is always enabled, and cannot be changed.

    Note: This setting only applies to the user interface, and does not prevent you from editing a field value via the APIs.
  • Key Field - Sets whether or not a field is a 'key field' for the selected asset type. A key field is a field in a record that contains unique data which can be used to distinguish that record from all other records. An account number, a product code or a customer name are examples of key fields.
    If you change the key fields on an asset type after data has been loaded, you will need to edit the existing assets to ensure that the updated key fields are used. Any change to key fields will invalidate the duplicate check functionality on existing records and could result in duplicate data when bulk loading.

    On some asset types, you cannot define a key field. In this case, the key field is defined by default. For example, the default key field for Reference List Items is the Code field.

  • Required - Sets whether or not a particular field is required when completing a form, such as adding a new user and needing to specify their title. When bulk loading data, required fields are displayed in bold.
  • Show In Details Tab - Determines whether or not the field appears on the asset detail page and the information side panel. If this option is not selected, the field is hidden from the Definition section, or the Category, if one is specified for the field.
    • Display in Column - If Show In Details Tab is checked, you can select Display in Column to display the field in a column on the asset detail page. Multiple adjacent columns are displayed on the same line and the fields will automatically adjust to fit the page. If you have a large number of fields and you want specific fields to be in the same row, use the up and down arrows on the Fields tab to set the order that they will be displayed on the asset detail page. Alternatively, you can group the fields into a category to ensure that they are displayed together. If Display in Column is not checked, the field is displayed using the full width of the page.

      This setting is applicable to all asset types that have a definition page, but it does not apply to these field types: JSON, JSON Attribute, Relation Lookup, Reference List item from Relationship and Tag.

  • Show if Empty - If this option is selected, the field will always be displayed on an asset detail page, even if there is no specified value. This option is not selected by default. The default behavior is to only display fields that have specified values.
  • Persist in Filters - If selected, the field appears as a persistent filter in the asset list view.

Asset path

Adds a field that contains the system-generated path to the asset.

  • List Single Segment - Enables you to limit the asset path segment displayed to a specific asset type. You can choose the appropriate segment from the list.
Note: You cannot define an Asset Path field with an API name of KeyPath, Path, or DisplayPath.

The Asset Path field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule and Reference List.


Automatically increases by one, when a new asset or rule is added. When the Counter field type is added, the next asset to be added will automatically be assigned the initial value specified in the Initial Value field. If assets already exist when the counter field type is added, and no initial value is defined, it will automatically start with [value of the number of existing assets] + 1. When no assets exist, the counter will be set to 1 when an asset is added. Subsequent assets are then assigned the greatest counter value plus one. In this way, it is possible to uniquely identify assets, without having to use, for example, the GUID.

  • Counter Prefix - Optionally, enter an alpha-numeric value to be added as a prefix to the count. For example, with a prefix "DQ-" the counter would display as DQ-1, DQ-2, and so on. The prefix is limited to 10 characters.
  • Counter Initial Value - If used, it must be greater than the number of existing assets. There is validation to ensure this.

If an asset is deleted, you cannot reuse that value.

If the counter field type is added to filters, it will work in a similar way to numbers.

Note: The Counter field type is not editable through the Data360 Govern UI. The system automatically populates the counter, when an asset is added. If there are existing assets prior to the counter being added, they can be updated through the APIs. When adding or updating the counter with the APIs, a validation of uniqueness is carried out.

The Counter field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule and Groups. The Counter field type is supported in exports, the information panel and relationship lookups.


Adds a calendar that can be used to select a date.

  • Default Value - Sets a default for the field.
Tip: The date format is determined by your browser language settings. For example, you select the date November 20, 2020. If your browser language is set to English (United Kingdom), the date is displayed as 20/11/2020, whereas if your browser language is set to English (United States), the date is displayed as 11/20/2020.

The Date field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule, Diagram Asset, Reference List, Relationship, Groups, Users and Actions.

Date With Time

Adds a calendar that can be used to select a date and time.

The Date With Time field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule, Diagram Asset, Reference List, Relationship, Groups, Users and Actions.

Decimal Number

Adds a field in which a whole or decimal number can be entered.

Optionally, you can validate values that are entered for this field type by entering a Minimum Value and a Maximum Value so that a warning message will be displayed when a user tries to create or edit an asset with an invalid value for the field. Similarly, you can choose to specify the number of Decimal Places that will be displayed for the field.

  • Default Value - Sets a default for the field.
  • Increment - The value of the field can be incremented up or down by this amount, by using the arrows in the field value entry field.
Note: If you are adding validation to an existing Decimal Number field, validation is not applied to any existing values. Validation rules are applied only when an asset is created or edited. Adding validation options to a field type has the effect of making the field a required field, because a valid value must be entered, regardless of whether or not Required is checked.

The Decimal Number field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule, Diagram Asset, Reference List, Relationship, Groups, Users and Actions.

Field from Relationship

Adds a field where the value has been defined by a relationship with another asset type. The relationship must be one-to-many, where the 'many' side of the relationship is the asset the field type is being added to.

To use this field type, there must already be a one-to-many relationship between two asset types, and specific relationships between assets of these types.

For example, you have these assets in an "Investments" glossary:

Name Category
Investor 1 F/1
Investor 2 F/1
Investor 3 F/2

A one to many relationship exists between the "Reports" and "Investments" asset types.

The Reports asset type has a Field from Relationship field that references the "Category" field on the Investments assets.

The "Category" field is displayed on the Report assets, and the value is determined by the individual relationships between the assets, for example, "Insurance report" is related to "Investor 3", and therefore shows the value "F/2".

The Field from Relationship field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule and Reference List.


Adds a scrollable area in which styled text can be entered. The field can contain some HTML styling, such as bold, italic or underlined text, and elements such as bulleted and numbered lists.

To add an image, click the image button and navigate to the image that you want to upload, then click Save.

When working with numbered or bulleted lists, you can use the Tab key and Backspace key to increase or decrease the level of an item within the list.

The Html/Richtext field type is available on these asset types:

Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule, Diagram Asset, Reference List, Relationship, Users and Actions.


Adds a field that contains data in JSON format.

You can add and edit content in JSON fields by using the API, or by using the Bulk Loader.

Note: There is a 2,500 character limit on JSON fields.

To ensure that the JSON field is well-formatted, use the following JSON syntax when adding or editing fields via the API:

  • Properties and values must be surrounded by double quotation marks.
  • Double quotation marks must be escaped. For example:
    [  {    "Fields": {      "Name": "Asset 1",      "JSONField": "[        { \"FIELD1\":\"1\" },        { \"FIELD2\":\"ONE\" },        { \"FIELD3\":\"true\" }      ]"    }  }]
  • Datetime data must be formatted correctly, for example "2019-05-01T00:00:00.000Z", or 2019-05-31.
    Note: Datetime data is treated as UTC. If you only provide the shorter date format, for example 2019-05-31, this can result in unexpected displays due to timezone conversion. For example, the timezone conversion may result in the display showing 2019-05-30.

The JSON field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy and Rule.

JSON Attribute

Adds a custom field that references an attribute on a JSON field that already exists on the asset.

Note: The JSON Attribute field type is only available upon request and must be enabled by Precisely. Enabling this field type can cause performance issues when loading a large number of assets.

You can add and edit content in JSON fields by using the API, or by using the Bulk Loader, which in turn updates any corresponding JSON Attribute fields.

Note: Both top-level attributes and arrays can be used to create JSON Attribute fields, however, note that you must format the information in the JSON Attribute Path accordingly. Multi-level JSON fields are not supported.

Example - Top-level attribute

You have a JSON field called "JSON Properties" on an asset. The "JSON Properties" field contains a "Category" attribute.

You want to add the "Category" attribute as a custom field on the asset type, and have it listed on the asset grid view. To do this, you can reference the "Category" attribute in a JSON Attribute field.

  1. In the JSON Field property, select the name of the JSON field that contains the attribute, in this case JSON Properties.
  2. In the JSON Attribute Path, type the name of the JSON attribute, in this case Category. Note that you need to use the exact name of the property as it appears on the existing JSON field.
  3. From the JSON Attribute Data Type list, select the data type of the JSON attribute, in this case the "Category" attribute is of data type Text.
Tip: If the value contains a space, use the following format: ['Null count']

You can associate these data types with a JSON Attribute field:

  • Boolean - A data type with two possible values, true or false.
  • Date - A date in a recognized format, for example 2019-05-31.
  • Date With Time - A date and time in a recognized format, for example 2019-05-01T00:00:00.000Z.
  • Decimal - A floating point or fixed point number.
  • Text - A free form string of alphanumeric characters.
  • Whole Number - A whole number that can be positive, negative or zero.
  • Whole Number (Large) - A large whole number, for example in SQL Server, a number greater than 2,147,483,647 is considered to be a large value data type based on storage characteristics.

Example - Arrays

If the attribute is contained within an array, you must use the array format to reference the attribute in the JSON Attribute Path.

You have a JSON field called "JSON Properties" on an asset. The "JSON Properties" field contains an array with three values, 'HouseNumber', 'HouseName' and 'CurrentCustomer'.

You want to add the array values as custom fields on the asset type. To do this, you can reference the array values in three separate JSON Attribute fields.

  1. In the JSON Field property, select the name of the JSON field that contains the attribute, in this case 'JSON Properties'.
  2. In the JSON Attribute Path, reference the array value in the following format:


    For example, [0].HouseNumber

  3. From the JSON Attribute Data Type list, select the data type of the JSON attribute, for example 'Whole Number'.

Repeat the above steps for each of the array values that you want to use to create custom JSON Attribute fields, configuring the JSON Attribute Path and JSON Attribute Data Type properties as shown in this table:

JSON array value JSON Attribute Path JSON Attribute Data Type
HouseName [1].HouseName Text
CurrentCustomer [2].CurrentCustomer Boolean
Tip: If the array value contains a space, use the following format: [0]['House number']

The JSON Attribute field type can be sorted on, searched on and can be used in a filter. The JSON Attribute field type is available on these asset types when a JSON field type is defined: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy and Rule.


Adds two fields that can be used to enter a URL and the link text to be displayed for the URL. The field type consists of a Default URL, which is the target of the link, and a Default Link Name, which is the text that is displayed on the asset details screen or when the asset appears in a list.

Note: You must always ensure that you include the link protocol in the value of Default URL. For example, is a valid value, but is not, because it does not contain a protocol.

You can specify a default value for the field.

The Link field type is available on these asset types:

Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule, Diagram Asset, Reference List, Relationship, Users and Actions.


Adds a field that contains a list of possible values that a user can choose from when selecting the value of the field. The available list items are generated from the properties of an existing asset. For example, if you create a List field from a Business Asset Type, the assets of that Business Asset Type are used to form the list items that can be chosen as the value for the field. When the asset definition page is displayed, the List field value is shown as a link to the corresponding asset.

  • Select List - The asset that you want to use as the basis of the list.
  • Default Value - Optionally, choose a default value to be applied to new and existing assets.
  • Allow ALL Value Selection - Set to True and enter a label for this field if you want to add a list item that allows the record to always be displayed when filtering. For example, a List field is added to an asset type. The list items are all countries. The Allow ALL Value Selection option is enabled, with a label of "All". On the asset type list view, you filter by "Country A". The grid displays all records that have a List field value of "Country A" or "All".
  • Display Format - This represents the value that is displayed when an asset appears in a list view. The default Display Format depends on the asset type selected in the Select List menu. For example, for a Reference List Item, the default Display Format is {Code}. This is a variable that is replaced with the name of the Reference List Item Code field on the asset list page.
  • Edit Format - This represents the value that is displayed in the asset definition page, and when an asset is being created or edited.
    Tip: You might want to choose different values for Display Format and Edit Format, depending on which user roles you expect to be viewing or editing assets, and how you want to present values. For example, you might choose to display a name or description for Edit Format to help a user choose the correct value when editing or creating an asset, but you might choose to display a code for the same value in the Display Format.
  • Allow Multiple Items - If selected, more than one value can be entered for the field. For example, if the locations involved in a process span multiple countries, then each country involved in the process can be selected if Allow Multiple Items is enabled. If Allow Multiple Items is not selected, then only one list item can be selected.

For List type fields where the Select List is an asset or a model, you have the option to restrict the list of items from which users can select to only those which form the subject or object in a relationship to another asset or model. A relationship between the selected asset or model and another asset or model must already exist. For example:

Subject Predicate Object
Applications (BusinessAsset) writes to / reads from Applications (BusinessAsset)
Applications (BusinessAsset) Group / grouped by Product Data (Model)

If this type of relationship exists, and you have selected an asset or a model in the Select List field, two optional Filter Configuration fields are displayed, allowing you to choose a predicate and a second asset or list of assets to filter by:

  • Filter Relationship Predicate - The predicate of the relationship that you want to filter by. You can choose from any predicate where the Select List asset or model is the subject or the object of that relationship. For example "reads from".
  • Filter by Related Assets in Field - When you have selected a predicate, the corresponding relationship subjects or objects will be available to select from the Filter by Related Assets in Field menu. When defining a list filter on an Action Type, you can select "Action Subject". This option is not available when defining a filtered list on other asset types.

Your choices will restrict the list of items from which a user can select to only those that have a matching relationship with the selected asset or model. This type of filtered List field is commonly used when defining Action Types.

The List field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule, Diagram Asset, Reference List, Relationship, Groups, Users and Actions.


Adds a field in which a whole number can be entered.

Optionally, you can validate values that are entered for this field type by entering a Minimum Value and a Maximum Value so that a warning message will be displayed when a user tries to create or edit an asset with an invalid value for the field.

You can use the Default Value field to set a default for the field. You can also specify an Increment value. If you specify an increment value, the value of the field can be incremented up or down by this amount, by using the arrows in the field value entry field.

Note: If you are adding validation to an existing Number field, validation is not applied to any existing values. Validation rules are applied only when an asset is created or edited. Adding validation options to a field type has the effect of making the field a required field, because a valid value must be entered, regardless of whether the Required option is selected.

The Number field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule, Diagram Asset, Reference List, Relationship, Groups, Users and Actions.

Ownership Lookup

Adds a field that displays a searchable list of owners. When you view a detail page, a list of the owners is displayed. Owners are listed in alphabetical order by responsibility type, then within each responsibility type owners are ordered alphabetically by first name.

  • Display Assignment Source - This option has no impact on what is displayed in the list grid. When Listable is selected, any responsibility that Is Visible and displays on the Ownership Lookup grid, will also be included on the list grid.
  • List Single Ownership Type - Enables you to limit the users displayed to a specific responsibility type.

    Note: If you try to delete an asset assignment that is used in the list, an error displays.
  • Expand Group Membership - Set to True to display individual users within an assigned group. If set to False, only the group is displayed.
  • Display As - Select List if you want to display the Ownership Lookup field as a list, rather than as a table, in the definition page. When List is selected, these options are disabled:

    • Display Assignment Source - Enables you to display the Via column in grids, to identify the group or organization responsible for the addition of users to the list.
    • Hide Table Filter - Removes the filter for the ownership grid. The filter allows you to view a subset of owners in the grid.
    • Hide Table Column Headers - Removes the column headers for the ownership grid, for example Responsibility, Assigned Owner, Context.
    • Hide Table Footer - Removes the footer for the ownership grid. The footer displays the number of rows in the grid, together with page links when appropriate.

    If List Single Ownership Type is also set, the responsibility type is not included in the list.

The Ownership Lookup field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule and Reference List.

Reference Item List from Relationship

Adds a list of reference items on an asset, by establishing a relationship to a defined Reference List.

You can display different reference list items for different assets of the same type. For example, if you have defined a Business Term called "State", and a Reference List that contains a list of States, you can see all the possible values of "State" for this Business Term. If you have also defined another Business Term called "Gender", and a Reference List that contains values for Gender, you can display all possible values of Gender on this Business Term.

To add a Reference Item List from Relationship field to an asset you must have already created a reference list and created a one-to-many relationship where the subject is the asset type where you want to display the reference list and Reference:: List is the object.

  • Show Reference List Description - If set to True, the description displays by default on the asset details information panel and on the asset Definition tab. You can hide the description as required, and the state is maintained on a per user basis, for all assets of that type.

The name and items in the Reference List are displayed on the asset, as <FIELD_NAME> Name and <FIELD_NAME> Items, where <FIELD_NAME> is the name you gave to the field when you added it to the asset type.

Note: You can only establish one relationship on an asset for each reference list.

The Reference Item List from Relationship field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule and Reference List.

Relation Lookup

Adds a grid containing a searchable list of relationships between assets.

  • Relationship Type 1 - Choose from one of the available relationship types.
    • -> start at the subject and get only targets
    • <-> start at either the subject or the object, and get either (only relevant if the subject and object types are the same)
    • <- start at the object and get the subject

    For example, to get applications that are targets for "Example Application", choose ->

    To get applications that are sources for "Example Application", choose <-

    When you have selected a relationship type, you can define which columns to display in the Relation Lookup grid on the asset detail page, by configuring the Reference Column settings.
  • Reference Column - Select a field name from the related asset. By default, the value in the Reference Column field is used for the column header. The Reference Column field is not displayed until you have selected a Relationship Type.
  • Display Name - Optionally, enter a value to change the value of the column header. If no value is entered, the value in the Reference Column field will be used as the column header.
  • Add Column - Adds a new row where you can define another Reference Column and Display Name. Use the menu button on the right of a row to Delete a column, or drag and drop the columns to change the order in which they will be displayed in the Relation Lookup grid on the asset detail page. Display order is left to right.
  • Filter - Add a filter if you only want to display relations that match the filter.
  • Sort Order - Choose the sort order for the columns that are displayed. Fields with lower numbers are sorted on first. Uniqueness is preserved, as for column order.
  • Hide Table Search - Check this box to hide the table search bar in the Relation Lookup grid that will be displayed on the asset detail page.
  • Hide Table Column Headers - Check this box to hide the table column headers in the Relation Lookup grid that will be displayed on the asset detail page.
  • Hide Table Footer - Check this box to hide the table footer in the Relation Lookup grid that will be displayed on the asset detail page.
If you want to add subsequent relationships, click Add Relationship Hop. When adding a subsequent relationship, an asset must have all selected relationships for it to be displayed in the grid on the asset detail page.
Note: These field types are not available to select from the Relation Lookup grid: Relationship, Ownership Lookup, Reference Item List from Relationship, Filtered Lookup.

Relation Lookup example 1 - Basic example

This example describes how to use a Relation Lookup field to display fields from related assets. You have these assets:

Asset type Fields on the asset type Assets
Business Terms (Business Asset)







Reports (Business Asset) Relation Lookup field "Investment details" Investments report

A one to many relationship exists between the "Reports" and "Business Terms" asset type: Reports <-> References / Is referenced by <-> Business Terms

There are three Business Term assets ("One", "Two" and "Three").

You use a Relation Lookup field on the "Investments report" asset to reference the Description and Status fields on the Business Term assets.

The Description and Status values are displayed in the Relation Lookup grid for the related assets.

You can go directly from the Relation Lookup grid to a related asset by clicking the link.

Relation Lookup example 2 - Displaying subsequent relationships

This example describes how to use a Relation Lookup field to display a chain of relationships that link a set of assets. You have these assets:

Asset type Fields on the asset type Assets
Business Terms (Business Asset)







Reports (Business Asset)


Relation Lookup field "Investment details"

Investments report
Government Regulations (Policy) Name  

These relationships exist:

  • A one to many relationship between the "Reports" and "Business Terms" asset types: Reports <-> References / Is referenced by <-> Business Terms
  • A one to many relationship between the "Government Regulations" policy asset and the "Business Terms" asset type: Government Regulations <-> Governs / Is governed by <-> Business Terms

You want to use a Relation Lookup field on the "Investments report" asset to display related Business Term assets, along with the policy which governs the Business Terms asset. This is configured on the Fields tab for the Relation Lookup field of the Reports asset type:

  1. Select the appropriate asset type path in the Relationship Type 1 field.
  2. Specify a Display Name value of "Business Asset" to differentiate this column in the resulting Relation Lookup grid from the column containing the name of the Policy asset.
  3. Click the Add Relationship Hop button to specify a subsequent relationship.
  4. Define the subsequent relationship by selecting the appropriate asset type path under Relationship Type 2.
  5. Specify a Display Name of "Policy Asset" to differentiate from the Business Asset.

The Relation Lookup grid is displayed on the asset detail page for the "Investments report" asset.

Note: For the Business Term asset to be displayed in the Relation Lookup grid, it must be related to both the Investments report asset, and to the Government Regulations policy asset.

The Relation Lookup field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule and Reference List.


Displays a list of related assets.

  • Relationship - Select from a list of relationships that have been defined for this asset.
  • Asset Display - Choose how related assets should be displayed in add, edit and view relationship dialogs. Choose from:
    • Asset Path - Related assets are listed by asset path.
    • Display Format - Related assets are listed showing the display format of the related asset type, for example showing the asset name.

The Relationship field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule, Reference List and Users.


Displays an asset's score. Note that the asset type must already have a score type defined.

If an asset has both a Governance Score and a Data Quality Score, only one score type can be selected. To display both score types as fields on an asset, you would need to create two score fields, one for each score type.

The Score field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy and Rule.

Simple Text

Adds a field in which text can be entered.

The Regular Expression is used to verify that an input is correctly formed. Sample patterns are provided for common validation expressions. The following sample patterns are available:

Pattern Regular Expression Example
Email ^$|\b([A-Za-z0-9'_\.-]+)@([\dA-Za-z\.-]+)\.([A-Za-z\.]{2,6})\b
IP Address ^$|^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})$
North American Phone ^$|\b\d{3}[-.]?\d{3}[-.]?\d{4}\b 555-123-4678
Internal Url ^$|\b(http(s)?:\/\/){1}([\da-z\.-]+)([\/\w \.-]*)*\/?\b
Public Url ^$|\b(http(s)?:\/\/)?([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})([\/\w \.-]*)*\/?\b
US Zip Code ^(\d{5}(?:\-\d{4})?)$ 12345-6789

You can also use your own regular expressions. If you need help building expressions, you can use an online regular expression builder.

You can use the Regular Expression Test String field to test your regular expression. Text that you enter in the field is validated against the pattern, and Pass or Fail is displayed, according to whether or not the test pattern is valid.

To set a character limit, enter a Maximum Length.
Tip: If you do not enter a value in the Maximum Length field, there will be no limit set by default. In general, this should not cause any issues, however, if you expect there to be a need for users to enter values with a large number of characters, it is recommended to use the Html/Richtext field type.

The Simple Text field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule, Diagram Asset, Reference List, Relationship, Groups, Users and Actions.


Adds a field where users can add keyword tags. A tag is a keyword that you can assign to an asset. You can use tags to help you to browse and search for related items.

Note: It is recommended that you only add one Tag type field on a selected asset type.

The Tag field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule and Diagram Asset.


Adds a True/False field to an asset.

The True/False field type is available on these asset types: Business Asset, Technical Asset, Model, Policy, Rule, Diagram Asset, Reference List, Relationship, Groups, Users and Actions.