Group assets using models - Data360_Govern - Preview

Data360 Govern Help

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Data360 Govern
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Data360 Govern
Data360 Govern Help
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Models can be used to group other assets into hierarchical structures, to clearly identify the relationships between these items, as well as providing the means to more conveniently control the ownership of groups of items. In Data360 Govern, you group assets together by creating a Groups-Is Grouped By relationship between a model asset and the asset to be grouped.

For example, if you want to group a number of payment-related business assets together against the Medical Claim-Payment model asset, you can do that by creating a Relationship Type between the model and the asset type, and then adding the relevant business assets to the relationship.
  1. First, create the relationship. Add a new Relationship Type where 'Medical Claim groups / is grouped by Business Terms'.
    Note: You must have access to the Configuration > Relationships screen to create relationship types, so you might need to ask your system administrator for assistance.
  2. Go to the details page for the model asset, and click the Related Assets tab.
  3. Select the Relationship Type that pairs the chosen model to the asset type with a Groups relationship, which in this example is "Business Terms [Groups]".
  4. Click the Add button to select the assets to group, then click Save to add the assets to the group.
  5. Go to the Medical Claim page. You will now see an icon next to the Payment item, indicating that the item has relationships.
You can verify the grouping by viewing the Related Assets for one of the assets that you have just grouped. To do this, with the Relationships page open, double-click the asset name in its row in the table to view the asset page for the asset, then click Related Assets. Find the grouping in the Relationships page and verify that the Payment model item is displayed.
Tip: You might find it easier to find the correct Relationship Type by clearing the Show relationship types with no relations established box so that only types with relationships are displayed.

To more fully understand grouping, consider that you could also have created this relationship between the model item and the asset from the asset page. Here you would be creating the inverse relationship by selecting the relationship type Payment (is grouped by) and choosing the Payment model asset to group the asset under that item. You would use this method, for example, if you needed to add several relationships to a single asset.