Raise questions or issues - Data360_Govern - Preview

Data360 Govern Help

Product type
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Precisely Data Integrity Suite > Govern
Data360 Govern
Product name
Data360 Govern
Data360 Govern Help
First publish date

You can ask a question or report an issue on an asset, or suggest modifications to an asset by clicking the Take Action button.

  1. Open the details page for a specific asset.
  2. With the details page open, click the Take Action button in the header bar.
    Tip: It is recommended that you are viewing the details page for a specific asset before clicking the Take Action button to ensure that the action is automatically associated with the selected asset.
  3. Select an action type from the menu.
    The menu displays all actions that are available for the current asset and the current user.
  4. Add a description of the issue in the Description field.
    Depending on your system settings, a comment may be created on the asset based on your description. Your administrator can enable or disable whether comments are created when an action is raised on an asset. You can view comments by clicking the Comments tab on an asset.
  5. Complete any additional fields and click Submit.
For example, you click the Take Action button from the details page of an application asset to report a data quality issue with the application. Your administrator has added a field to the action form to collect information about which applications consume data from the application with the data quality issue. This field has been configured to limit the list of applications from which you can select to only those which have a specified relationship to the asset on which you are raising the issue. Select all consuming applications from the list. Then, based on your selection of consuming applications, you are required to indicate which policies are impacted by the selected applications.
If you are an administrator and want to learn how to create Action Types, see Defining action types.