Paging, searching and sorting - Data360_Govern - Preview

Data360 Govern Help

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Precisely Data Integrity Suite > Govern
Data360 Govern
Product name
Data360 Govern
Data360 Govern Help
First publish date

Data360 Govern uses the same table components throughout to list collections of items.


Lists of items are split into multiple "pages", which you can navigate through using the paging controls at the bottom of the list. You can navigate to the first, previous, next or last pages using the arrow buttons, or to a specific page, by clicking on a number.

The drop-down field on the right, allows you to change how many items are listed per page. The default is 25. However, if you select a different number, such as 10, the system remembers your choice on a user and asset type basis. As a result, you will always see your preferred number of items on each list grid, until you make a change.

Note: This does not apply to grids accessed through the navigation bar Administration or Configuration menus.

A summary below the controls tells you which rows you are currently viewing, and how many rows are available to view in total.

Tip: If you are browsing through a list of assets, and select one to view the details, you will notice that when you close the detail page you are returned to the beginning of the list. To keep your place in the list, you can right-click and open the item in a new tab or window. Then, when you've finished viewing or editing the item, you can close the browser tab and return to the same place in your list. Please note, however, that if you are deleting items from a list, the page will not auto refresh if you have the list open in a different browser window.


Enter a term in the Search field, positioned above the relevant list.

Note: Only those rows which have field values which start with the search text, ignoring case, will remain in the list.

You can also use wildcards for more control over how the search term is used to find matches. For example, you can enclose a search term with an asterisk on both ends, to find any row which contains the search text.


The assets will be sorted according to the field sort order set by your administrator. If an asset has multiple fields with a Sort Order defined, the data is first sorted on the field with the lowest sort order value. If there are two records with the same value, the data will then be sorted on the field with the next lowest sort order value. For example, you have a "Country" field with a sort order of 1, and a "Town" field with a sort order of 2. In this case, the data would be sorted as follows, where the two USA records are sorted according to the Town field:

Country Town
India Bangalore
UK Warrington
USA Boston
USA Chicago
Tip: Sorting is case insensitive. For example, a record with the value "A" is considered the same as a record with the value "a".