Establish responsibilities - Data360_Govern - Preview

Data360 Govern Help

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Data360 Govern
Precisely Data Integrity Suite > Govern
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Data360 Govern
Data360 Govern Help
First publish date

Responsibilities are used to establish ownership between users and assets, controlling the extent to which nominated users can create, modify and manage their associated assets.

  1. Go to Administration > Security > Responsibilities to view a list of existing Responsibility Types.

    Asset assignments and ownership rules are listed on the right. For example, some common responsibility types are:

    • Data Governance Group
    • Data Owner
    • Data Steward
    • Report Owner
  2. Click the Add button to create a new Responsibility Type.
  3. Enter a Name and Description in the Add Role panel.
  4. Choose the asset types that you want to associate to the responsibility from the Responsibility Allocated To list.
  5. Click Save to create the new Responsibility Type.

You can also edit and delete responsibility types from the list on the left. Choosing edit will display the Edit Role panel for the chosen item.

Asset assignment

The Asset Assignment list, positioned to the right of Responsibility Types, shows the assets assigned to the currently selected Responsibility Type.

  • Class - Displays the name of the asset type.

  • Type - Displays the full asset type path, which can be used as the basis for sorting and filtering.

You can add, edit or remove new asset types, as needed.

Add an asset assignment and responsibility relation's permissions

  1. Click Add, positioned in the top right-hand corner of the Asset Assignment panel.

    The Add Responsibility Relation panel displays.

  2. Select the appropriate asset type.

    Note: All permissions are selected by default.
  3. Clear the permissions that you do not want to be assigned.

You can also edit existing items in the Asset Assignment list, by clicking Edit in the appropriate row, to display the Edit Responsibility Relation panel.

Ownership rules

Prerequisite: You have defined a Responsibility Type.

The responsibility type grants permissions to chosen asset types. You can grant responsibilities to particular users and groups from the Responsibilities tab on an asset.

Alternatively, you can use Ownership Rules to directly associate the Responsibility Type to particular assets and chosen users and groups.

  1. Click the Add button in the top right corner of the Ownership Rules panel.
  2. In the Add Rule panel, provide a name for the rule and choose an asset type to relate it to.
  3. Optionally, clear Visible? to hide the users and groups assigned to the responsibility via this rule from the Ownership view of affected assets.
  4. Optionally, select Applies to Entire Type? to apply this rule to the asset type itself, rather than just the specific instances of the asset type, identified by given filters. This applies the rule to all instances of the chosen asset type, as well as granting the ability to create new instances of the type (for example, granting users the ability to create new Business Terms).

Ownership rule filters

To edit an Ownership Rule click the Edit icon to the right of the rule that you want to edit.

Adjust the filters to determine which assets the rule will affect, and which users and groups to grant the responsibility to.

When filters

Use When Filters to narrow down the instances of the chosen asset type to apply the ownership rule to. You can leave this section unchanged to target all instances of the chosen asset type.

Note: When Filters do not apply to create activities.
  1. From the Check Type list, select Field or Relationship to determine how to limit the list of asset items to which you want to apply the selected ownership rule.
  2. Select the field name or relation name.
  3. If applicable, select the desired operator.

    When the Check Type is Field, operators are only available when the field input type is Simple Text. The default operator is contains. If the input type is not Simple Text, the operators field will not be displayed.

    When the Check Type is Relationship, two operators are available to choose from: in and not in. The default operator is in.

  4. If applicable, enter the desired text into the value field or choose an option from the dropdown list.
  5. Optionally, click the Test Filters button to update the list of assets which will be subject to this ownership rule, based on the When Filters.

Then filters

Use Then Filters to identify the users and groups to assign the responsibility to:

  1. Select Group or User to define the security asset type that you want to assign ownership to.

  2. Select the field type, then the appropriate value.

    For example, select a Name field type, then choose a user or group from the dropdown list.

  3. Select more fields and values, as needed.

  4. Select Match all or Match any, as appropriate.

    Match all means that every field and value must be present, while Match any means that only one field and value is needed.

    The default is Match All.

  5. Optionally, click the Test Filters button to list the users and groups that will be granted the responsibility permissions.
  6. Click Save.