Create or edit predicates - Data360_Govern - Preview

Data360 Govern Help

Product type
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Precisely Data Integrity Suite > Govern
Data360 Govern
Product name
Data360 Govern
Data360 Govern Help
First publish date

You can create custom predicates to determine your own types of relationships. There can be multiple relationship types between the same set of assets. You can create new predicates to help differentiate between the various relationships that can exist between two assets.

This table shows some common user-generated predicates:
Subject Predicate Object
Report contains Business Term
Policy governs Business Term
Report similar Report
  1. Go to Configuration > Predicates to view a list of existing predicates.
  2. Click Add in the top right corner of the Predicates panel to create a new predicate.
    The New Predicate panel is displayed.
  3. Provide a Name for your predicate, for example "Contains". Then, provide the name of the Inverse of the predicate, for example "Contained In".
  4. Choose a Functional Type, for example Grammatic Association.
    Note: You will notice that only a subset of the functional types defined in this topic can be selected, depending on the setup of your environment.
  5. Click Save to create the new predicate and return to the list of predicates.
You can now establish relationships between assets by using the predicates that you have created to frame the link between the two objects. See Relationship types for more details.

To edit a predicate, click the Edit button next to a predicate to open the Edit Predicate panel.

Note: You cannot edit or delete system predicates.