Job description - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Promoter User Guide

Product type
Product family
Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Promoter User Guide
First publish date
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The Job description (JOBD) parameter specifies the job description to be used. The default value *MIMIXUSR uses the MIMIXPRM job description provided by Precisely in library MIMIXQGPL. The value *USRPRF uses the job description specified by the user profile running the CPYACTF command. You can also specify the name of a job description.

Note: If you change the default, the two jobs may not start concurrently. Ensure that the job queue associated with the subsystem in which the jobs will run is multi-threaded or that it allows for an appropriately high level of active processes. If you submit the command request interactively, the number of jobs available on the job queue should be equal to the number of requests. If you submit the command request in batch mode, the number of jobs available on the job queue should be equal to or greater than twice the number of requests you plan to submit.

The job must have sufficient authority to work with the file and to create and delete a journaling environment if necessary. For a reorganize request, the job must have authority to reset object authorities and object ownership.

If you change the job description, the associated user profile must have appropriate authority. A user profile with *ALLOBJ authority is optimum. You can perform reorganize functions without additional authority if user profile that owns the job description is also the current owner of the files (both physical and dependent logical files) to be reorganized. The user profile must have delete authority for the files and any dependent files, and change authority to the user profile.