To determine whether an active copy operation is eligible to be resumed, display the status of the copy while active part of an active job as follows:
On the Work with Copy Status display, type an
(Display copy detail) next to the job you want and press Enter.The Display Copy Status display appears. Press the Page Down key. The value of the Resumable field on the second screen indicates whether the copy operation can be resumed if it is ended.
When *YES is displayed for the Resumable field, additional fields are displayed that help you determine how long you have to resume the operation.
Keep data (days) - Identifies the number of days to keep data for resuming that was specified on the CPYACTF request.
Data cleared after - Identifies the date that data for resuming is eligible to be cleared automatically by accessing the Work with Copy Status display (WRKCPSTS command) or by nightly cleanup jobs if you are operating within an Assure MIMIX instance. The date is based on the Keep data value and the date of the most recent checkpoint.
Receiver for resume and Receiver library - Identify the name and library of the first journal receiver needed for resuming if the operation is ended.
When *YES is displayed for the Batch field, the Job description and Job descr. library fields are also displayed.