Accessing the Work with Copy Status display - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Promoter User Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Promoter User Guide
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The Work with Copy Status (WRKCPYSTS) display lists all active Assure MIMIX Promoter copy and reorganize operations.

To access the Work with Copy Status Display, do the following:

  1. To access the Assure MIMIX Promoter Main Menu, type MIMIX/MIMIXPRM on a command line and press Enter. If you installed the product in a different library, use that library name instead of the MIMIX library.
  2.    From the Assure MIMIX Promoter Main Menu, select option 3 (Work with copy status) and press Enter.

  3.    The Work with Copy Status display appears, listing all currently active copy and reorganization jobs. The list is sorted by ascending order of the copy group. The list is based on the copy while active function, which is used by both the CPYACTF command and the RGZACTF command. All entries in the list have detailed status available for the copy while active function. Entries that are for a reorganize operation or a file promotion have a second set of detailed status available for that part of the operation.

  4.    There are multiple views of this display. Press F11 to change views.

Figure 5. Sample Work with Copy Status display, general information view:


The first view is the general information view which shows the file being copied, the process action that is occurring, the estimated time to completion, and the estimated percent of the copy operation that is complete.

The Process Action column indicates the status of the copy while active part of the active job. The possible values for the copy while active operation are:
  • Setup:The system is setting up a Assure MIMIX Promoter job.

  • Copying:The system is in the process of copying an active file to a temporary location for use by Assure MIMIX Promoter.

  • Backup:This is a reorganize active file process. It is currently saving a copy of the original file because the user requested for a copy to be saved.

  • Done:The Assure MIMIX Promoter job has completed.

  • ERROR:A problem has occurred with the Assure MIMIX Promoter job.

  • Cancel: You have requested to cancel the process.

  • Idling: The job is still active, but waiting to finish until the command is given from the user or a program.

  • Locking:This value can be either a copy active file process or a reorganize active file process. It is currently trying to gain a level of exclusive locking on the files being used so that processing that requires full access to the file can occur. If this condition persists, the user may need to determine if other jobs are holding locks to these files. Messages in the job log of the copy or reorganize process will describe the files in question.

  • Accpath:The Assure MIMIX Promoter job is rebuilding a logical or physical file access path.

  • Cleanup:The process is currently doing cleanup processing. It is finished copying records and handling activity, but is not completely finished.

  • Resumable:The copy process has been ended and can be resumed.

The Time to Completion column provides an estimate of the time remaining for the copy while active part of the operation. Other types of activity, such as reorganizing while active, are not able to give an estimate beyond this number. The column displays “***:**:** “if not enough data is available to determine an estimate, where ***:**:** represents hhh:mm:ss (hours, minutes and seconds). When all records have been copied, “000:00:00” is displayed.

Note: The Work with Copy Status display cannot determine the total amount of time required to process a request to reorganize an active file. There may be substantial amounts of time needed for processing the movement of dependent files or for optionally saving a copy of the original file that cannot be accounted for in this estimate.

The amount of time shown is only an estimate based on current throughput. Changes in activity levels on the files being copied or reorganized can either speed up or slow down the processes. For example, a sudden slow down in the system environment can cause this time estimate to be inaccurate.

The Copy Pct column provides an estimate of the per cent of the copy while active part of the operation is complete. This column appears in all views of the Work with Copy Status display.

Figure 6. Sample Work with Copy Status display, record information view:

The record information view includes the File Records columns (Total, Copied, Remaining). These columns display counts of the records contained within the physical file on which work is being performed. The displayed data is as follows:

Total:  The initial value for the total number of records in the members that are being copied from the physical file. This is not necessarily the number of records that the file will contain at the end of the copy operation. Activity that occurs on the file during the copy process may affect the ending number of records.

Copied:  The current number of records that have been copied to the destination. When all records are copied, this value may be different than the number of records that the file will contain at the end of the operation. Activity that occurs on the file during the copy process may affect the ending number of records.

Remaining: The current number of records remaining to be copied. This number changes to 0 at the end of the copy process.

 Figure 7. Sample Work with Copy Status display, journal information view:

The journal information view includes the Journal Events columns(Total, Processed, Remaining). These columns display counts of the file activity seen during the copy of the physical file. The displayed data is as follows:

Total:  This is the current total of journal events so far in the copy activity. This number starts at 0 and increases as activity occurs on the file during the process.

Processed:  This is the current number of journal events that have been processed so far in the copy activity. This number will equal the Total value when all records have been copied and the file has been locked by the copy process to end the ability of other users to generate activity on the file.

Remaining:  The current number of journal events that remain to be processed. This value will fluctuate as journal events are seen and processed.