Copy active file process - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Promoter User Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Promoter User Guide
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You can use the CPYACTF command to copy files on the same system or between two systems. When copying between systems, you can specify the communications protocol to use between systems or, if you also use Assure MIMIX, you can use the communications defined for MIMIX.

CPYACTF processing builds a copy of a database file and performs its operations in background jobs while the original database remains active and available for use. This enables you to populate a new file or an existing target file with data and change its field and record lengths while the original file remains in production. Journaling allows the CPYACTF processing to track changes that are being made to the original file while the copy or reorganize operation takes place. The CPYACTF processing separates the copy operation into segments. Each segment contains either 75,000 records or approximately 10 per cent of the file, whichever is smaller. This allows processing to pause after each copied section and apply to the copy any changes that occurred to that section of the original file. Processing also applies changes to any previously copied sections. This ensures that the copy always contains the latest information. When the changes are applied, processing continues by copying the next section and applying any changes to it. Processing continues this cycle until all of the file is copied and all changes to the original are applied. When used interactively, CPYACTF processing sends status messages to you throughout the update process.

If a file is already journaled, the CPYACTF processing uses the current journaling environment. If you are not using journaling on a file, processing creates a temporary journaling environment in the same Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) as the file. This temporary journaling environment remains in place for the duration of the operation, then is automatically deleted when the job is complete.

The CPYACTF command includes options that enable you to customize processing. The Record format field mapping parameter (FMTOPT) enables you to specify a variety of processing options for processing records. You can specify exit programs or service programs to enhance the data handling process and control the flow of processing. With the Acquire completion lock parameter, you can choose to gain an exclusive lock to the members in the original file after the specified processing is complete (CMPLCK), preventing further changes to the original file. For more details about parameters on the CPYACTF command, see Tips for copying active files.