Control exit points - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Promoter User Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Promoter User Guide
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The control exit points are described as follows:

  •  Initialization Exit Point: This exit point is called during initialization of the CPYACTF command.
  •  Interval Status Exit Point: This exit point is called at intervals of 10 percent of the file, or 75 000 records are copied. It will be called 10 times during the CPYACTF processing. The exit point will be called more than 10 ten times if the file is greater than 750000 records.

  •  Transfer Complete Exit Point: This exit point is called when the file has been 100% copied. This function replaces the default CPYACTF command processing.

  • Lock Failure Exit Point: This exit point is called when the optional attempt to exclusively lock the source file fails. This function replaces the default CPYACTF command processing.

  •  After Lock Exit Point: This exit point is called after the optional attempt to exclusively lock the source file has succeeded. This exit point is called even if no attempt to lock the file is made. This function replaces the default CPYACTF command processing.

  •  Copy Failure Exit Point: This exit point is called at the beginning of cleanup when a failure has occurred during CPYACTF processing. This function replaces the default CPYACTF command processing.

  •  Copy Finalize Exit Point: This exit point is called at the beginning of cleanup when the CPYACTF process has completed successfully.

  •  After Temporary Journal Delete Exit Point: This exit point is called during copy cleanup after any temporary journals have been deleted. This is after the last time that the CPYACTF command touches the source or target files. This is the final exit point that will occur. This function replaces the default CPYACTF command processing.

For a list of all of the programs included with Assure MIMIX Promoter see Programs included with Assure MIMIX Promoter.