Additional functions - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Promoter User Guide

Product type
Product family
Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Promoter User Guide
Topic type
How Do I
First publish date

In addition to the Copy Active File command and the Reorganize Active File command, Assure MIMIX Promoter includes a central interface for tracking the status of active jobs and support for controlling groups of related jobs.

Status - The Work with Copy Status display enables you to track the progress of all currently active copy and reorganize jobs. From this display you can display detailed status, place a process in an idled state after the transfer completes, remove a process from an idled state, or end a process. For copy active file requests, you can also end and resume the copy job. You can access this display by using the Work with Copy Status (WRKCPYSTS) command.

Grouping jobs - Both the CPYACTF command and the RGZACTF command support a Group parameter that enables you to logically group together related copy and reorganize operation jobs. By specifying several jobs to a selected group you can change the status of the active jobs in a group. Jobs can also be automatically assigned to a group based on their status in the processing cycle.

Two additional commands support working with the logical groups you create. The Change Promoter Group (CHGPRMGRP) command enables you to work with a logical grouping of active jobs to cancel the jobs or idle all of the jobs after the transfer completes. Once you specify a change for a group, that change is effective for all processes that use the same group.   

The Retrieve Promoter Group (RTVPRMGRP) command can be called from a CL program to determine the settings for a group of processes.

When a Assure MIMIX Promoter process is idled, it reaches a transfer complete exit point and then waits for a signal from the user before continuing. All records have been copied and the basic cleanup tasks remain to be performed. While the process is idling, it will monitor the file for new activity and process any new activity, keeping the file up to date. When the user signals the process to continue, the job will resume operations.