End and resume CPYACTF jobs - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Promoter User Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Promoter User Guide
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CPYACTF requests support the ability to establish checkpoints during processing so that data necessary to resume the job is retained for a limited number of days if the job ends before completion. When this capability is enabled for a CPYACTF job and the job ends unexpectedly for any reason before completion, the job can be resumed at the most recent checkpoint. This capability also allows you the flexibility to choose to end and later resume long-running CPYACTF jobs as needed without losing the completed portions of the copy operation.

Copy active file operations that run on the local system are capable of being resumed if a checkpoint is established before the job ends. Checkpoints are enabled and established according to the value specified for the Keep resumable data (days) (KEEPRSMDTA) parameter in effect at the time an active job ends prior to completion. This parameter also controls long to keep data for resuming the job. The KEEPRSMDTA parameter can be specified in the following ways:

  • On the CPYACTF command, the default value is 7 days. A numeric value protects the completed portions of the copy operation from the job ending unexpectedly.

  • On the ENDCPYACTF command, the default value *CPYACTF resolves to the value that was used when the CPYACTF job was submitted. When this resolves to or specifies a numeric value, a checkpoint is established before the job ends. This provides the capability of using Assure MIMIX Promoter interfaces to end the job in a resumable state if needed regardless of whether checkpoints were taken during active processing.

On either command, a value of *NONE does not establish a checkpoint or save data necessary to resume the job. When KEEPRSMDTA specifies or resolves to *NONE on and end request, the job can never be resumed.

Limitations: The ability to resume copy active file jobs is not supported for these CPYACTF requests:

  • Requests that specify the QTEMP library in the To file (TOFILE) parameter

  • Requests that specify a value other than *LOCAL for the Protocol (PROTOCOL) parameter to submit the request to a remote system

  • Requests invoked by MIMIX replication processes as part of SYNCDGFE METHOD(*DATA) command processing

  • Requests that are invoked by Reorganize Active File (RGZACTF) command processing

Checkpoint details: A CPYACTF request that specifies a numeric value for KEEPRSMDTA takes checkpoints when processing begins and at intervals of one hour. Only data for the most recent checkpoint is saved. If the job is ended unexpectedly, such as by an ENDJOB request or by ending the subsystem, any copy activity that occurred between the most recent checkpoint and when the job ended is reprocessed when the job is resumed. If the job is ended by an ENDCPYACTF request that specifies or resolves to a numeric value for KEEPSRMDTA or by option 20 (End as resumable) on the Work with Copy Status display, when the job is resumed, it will start with the checkpoint taken as a result of the end request.

If a checkpoint exists when the job ends, you can resume the job any time within the specified number of days that checkpoint data is kept.

If compression is used, it may take significantly longer to establish checkpoints when copying a very large, highly fragmented file with many deleted records to compress. Checkpoints can also take a significant amount of space when using compression.

Note: You are responsible for ensuring that the journal receivers necessary for resuming a copy operation remain available on the system until the job is resumed. The KEEPRSMDTA parameter does not address keeping journal receivers. You can display details of the copy operation to identify the first receiver you need to keep.

When a CPYACTF job is resumed, the Resume Copy Active File (RSMCPYACTF) command updates the date for when checkpoint data expires and a new checkpoint is taken an hour after the job is resumed.

Checkpoints for an ended job expire when the job has not been resumed within the number of days specified for KEEPRSMDTA since the date of the most recent checkpoint.

Ending a job so that it can be resumed: If you need to end a resumable CPYACTF job, you must use either:

  • The End Copy Active File (ENDCPYACTF) command with a KEEPSRMDTA value that specifies or resolves to a number

  • Option 20 (End as resumable) on the Work with Copy Status display

Option 4 (End) from the display will abandon any checkpoint data and the job will not be resumable.

Resuming an ended job: When an ended copy operation has a status of Resumable on the Work with Copy Status display, the job can be resumed. This includes copy operations that have performed a checkpoint before ending abnormally, such as due to a power down or an ENDJOB request. To resume the job, either option 10 from the display or the Resume Copy Active File (RSMCPYACTF) command can be used.

Clearing checkpoints: Checkpoint data is automatically cleared when the copy job completes. Accessing the Work with Copy Status display (WRKCPYSTS command) clears expired checkpoints. In a MIMIX environment, expired checkpoints are automatically deleted from the system by nightly cleanup jobs. You can manually clear valid or expired checkpoints using the Clear Copy Active File (CLRCPYACTF) command. If you clear checkpoints that have not expired, the jobs cannot be resumed.