Create semantic types - Data360_Govern - Latest

Data360 Govern Help

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Precisely Data Integrity Suite > Govern
Data360 Govern
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Data360 Govern
Data360 Govern Help
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If you are an administrator, you can create semantic types.

  1. Click Semantic Types in the navigation bar.
  2. Ensure that the Semantic Types tab is selected.
  3. Click the Create New Semantic Type button, positioned at the top right of the grid.
  4. In the Create Semantic Types dialog, complete the required fields. Additional information about the fields in the Create Semantic Types dialog is listed below.
  5. When you are finished, click Create or Create and Add Another.
When a semantic type is created, these fields are also defined:
  • Effective Date - The default is the current date, however, this is not shown in the Data360 Govern UI.
  • Semantic Source - The default is User defined.
  • Date Created
  • Date Modified
  • Last Modified by
  • Created by
  • UID

Create Semantic Types fields

  • Name - Enter a descriptive and unique name for the semantic type.
  • Qualifier - The semantic type itself. For example, XYZ_ABC.123. See Semantic types for examples of built-in semantic types and their qualifiers. This is a required text field and should be unique to the environment.
    Note: You cannot edit the qualifier once it is created.
  • Threshold - Enter a value between 0 and 100. Defines the percentage of valid values that needs to be achieved within the sample data set, in order for it to be classified with this semantic type.

  • Priority - Enter a number to determine the order in which the semantic type should be used against a data set. The higher the priority, the earlier it will be used.

  • Status - Choose from: Draft, Under Review, Certified. When used with Connectors, a user-defined semantic type is sent to Data360 Analyze for processing. However, it can only be used if it has Certified as its status. See the Data Profiler help topic in the Data360 Analyze help for more details about how semantic types data is processed.

  • Match Type - Choose from:
    • List of Values - Classifies data based on a list of strings that are present in the underlying data. You can also provide words that can be searched for in the header of the column.
    • Pattern in Data - Classifies data based on a pattern that is present in the data. You can also provide words that can be searched for in the header of the column.
    • Numbers - Classifies a number field based on a header name, minimum or maximum values in the data, or a specific number of digits or decimal places. You should provide words to search for in the header of the column.
    • Advanced (JSON) - Enables you to enter a custom JSON expression to determine additional properties for the semantic type. We recommend that this match type is only configured by someone who is experienced in creating JSON syntax.

Depending on the chosen Match Type, additional fields are displayed:

  • JSON - Enter a JSON expression to determine additional properties for the semantic type, which are not otherwise defined elsewhere in this dialog.
  • Regular Expression - Enter the pattern of the data for this semantic type in the form of a regular expression.
  • Regular Expression Test String - Optionally, enter text and click Validate to test a string against the pattern entered in the Regular Expression field.
  • Valid Values - Enter the appropriate alpha numeric values. There is no auto-complete, and a case insensitive check is carried out for duplicates. At least one value is required. The maximum number of values is 500.
  • Invalid Values - Enter the appropriate alpha numeric values. There is no auto-complete, and a case insensitive check is carried out for duplicates. This field is optional. The maximum number of values is 500.
  • Minimum Samples - Select or enter the appropriate positive integer. For this semantic type to be used, the data set must contain at least the number of records specified.
  • Minimum Maximum Present - Select true or false to determine whether both a minimum and a maximum value must be present in the data set, in order for the semantic type to be recognized.
  • Minimum - Enter or select a positive decimal number, which represents the lowest value that is regarded to be valid for this semantic type. This is a required field if Minimum Maximum Present is set to true.
  • Maximum - Enter or select a positive decimal number, which represents the highest value that is regarded to be valid for this semantic type. This is a required field if Minimum Maximum Present is set to true.
  • Valid Locales - Select the appropriate locales from the list. This semantic type is used to classify assets, when the language and region is one of the specified locales entered.
  • Header Regular Expression - Select an expression from the drop-down list, then modify it if needed, or enter the appropriate string as a regular expression.
  • Regular Expression Test String - Enter the text and click Validate to test a string against the pattern entered in theHeader Regular Expression field.
  • Header Confidence - Enter the confidence percentage that needs to be achieved to use the Header Regular Expression in determining the semantic type. This is a required number field, with a value between 0 and 100, when the Header Regular Expression is populated.