Editing and deleting semantic types - Data360_Govern - Latest

Data360 Govern Help

Product type
Product family
Precisely Data Integrity Suite > Govern
Data360 Govern
Product name
Data360 Govern
Data360 Govern Help
First publish date
Note: You need to be an administrator to edit or delete semantic types.

The Semantics Types page and tabs display, along with the Information side panel.

To be able to edit or delete a semantic type:

  1. Click Semantic Types, in the navigation bar.

    The Semantics Types page and tabs display, along with the Information side panel.

  2. Ensure the Semantic Types tab is selected.

    The Edit Semantic Type modal dialog displays.

Editing semantic types

Do the following:

  • Click the Options menu button, in the appropriate row of the semantic types grid, and select Edit.

    The Edit Semantic Type modal dialog displays.

User created semantic types

Do the following:

  • Edit the fields as needed, and click Save Changes when you are finished.

    You cannot edit the Qualifier field.

    Save Changes is disabled until you make at least one edit.

Built-in semantic types

You can only edit the Name and Description fields. The remaining fields are disabled and cannot be changed.

Note: If an asset has been classified with a semantic type that is then edited, out of date warning symbols are displayed in various places. You have to run the data profiling again for the warning to be removed.

Deleting semantic types

Note: You cannot delete built-in semantic types, or ones that have assets classified with them.

Do the following:

  1. Click the Options menu button, in the appropriate row of the semantic types grid, and select Delete.

    The Delete Semantic Type dialog appears.

  2. Click Delete.

    The dialog closes, and you are returned to the Semantic Types grid, where the corresponding semantic type has been removed.