Time series charts - Data360_Govern - Latest

Data360 Govern Help

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Precisely Data Integrity Suite > Govern
Data360 Govern
Product name
Data360 Govern
Data360 Govern Help
First publish date

When working with the Profiling panel, a Time series chart is a graphical display of the recorded data values, over the time period specified, for the selected field. For example, the Type Confidence or Match Detection fields.

To display the relevant time series chart click the Sample Quality bar, or click one of the trend indicators, positioned between the field name and the associated value. For example, between Total Row Count and the relevant value. Trend indicators are gray, and display as:

  • An upwards pointing triangle - The value for the current profiling information date is greater than the one for the previous date.
  • A downwards pointing triangle - The value for the current profiling information date is less than the one for the previous date.
  • A diamond - The value for the current profiling information date is the same as the one for the previous date.

The trend indicator is a comparison of the last two entries for the field and they only display, if there is more than one point to show.

When clicked, the relevant time series chart displays in a pop-up window, to the left of the Profiling panel.

The X and Y axis of the chart are automatically adjusted, according to the date range selected, and the field type.

If you select a different trend indicator in the Profiling panel, the chart is updated automatically.

Date range

The date range can be selected from a list, positioned to the top right-hand corner of the chart:

  • Custom - You cannot select this directly from the list, and is disabled.

  • View 1 Month - The default.

  • View 3 Months

  • View 6 Months

  • View Year To date

  • View All - This shows one year's worth of data, the maximum allowed for data profiling.

If there is less than one month of data available, only View Year To Date is enabled. Date range options that are not applicable, are disabled.

The slider bar, dates and calendars

There is a slider bar underneath the chart, which works in conjunction with the date range. If you move a slider to select different dates, the chart changes accordingly, and the view option is set to Custom.

You can also click on the dates displayed to the top-right of the chart to modify them, for example, by selecting new dates from a calendar.

Chart displays

A chart may include one or more lines, depending on what was originally clicked to display the chart. For example, if you clicked the Sample Quality bar, the chart could include up to three lines, whereas if you click a trend indicator, it would generally have one.

Line colors

Lines display in the same colors that are allotted to the particular field. For example, the line representing the Valid sample quality data values in a chart is green by default, while the Invalid/Outliers have a red line. If fields do not have a specific color assigned, they are dark gray by default.