Adding lineage - Data360_Govern - Latest

Data360 Govern Help

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Precisely Data Integrity Suite > Govern
Data360 Govern
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Data360 Govern
Data360 Govern Help
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Navigate to the detail page of an asset and click the Diagrams tab.

When you view an Impact or Lineage diagram, relationships with one of the following predicate types are expanded by default:

  • Business To Technical - Use this predicate type to create a relationship between a Business Asset and a Technical Asset. The subject must be a Business Asset and the object must be a Technical Asset. For example, you have a Business Term "Account number" that you want to relate to the SAP database column that stores the account data.
  • Simple Data Lineage - Use this predicate type to create a simple lineage relationship between two objects.
  • Transformation - Use this predicate type to create a lineage relationship between two Technical Assets, where either the subject, or object, must be a transformation asset, but not both:

    Two separate relationships, or hops in a lineage chain, are connected by a transformation asset. To create a transformation asset, ensure that the asset type is the subject or object in a relationship that uses the Transformation predicate type, and select Use As Transformation? on the asset type Configuration page:

    Transformation asset

Note: If you are adding a large number of new relationships, it is generally recommended that you use Bulk loading to create business asset relationships or Connectors to create business to technical relationships, as this approach will generally be quicker and more accurate than manually adding individual relationships through the user interface.

To establish relationships between assets through the user interface:

Create relationship types and predicates.
Relate specific assets, see Defining relationships between assets.

Alternatively, if you are creating a Transformation type relationship, you can relate specific assets from the Diagrams page by clicking the Add Lineage button.

You can only choose from asset types that are the subject or object in a Transformation relationship type.

Note: When searching for an asset in the Add Lineage dialog, you will need to type a full word to find matches.

When selecting a Transformation asset, you have the option to select an existing asset, or you can create a new asset by clicking the Add Transformation button. The asset must be of a type that has the Use As Transformation option selected.

When you have selected a source asset, a transformation asset and a target asset, click Apply lineage to create the relationship and update the diagram. Or, if you want to continue to build further relationship steps in the sequence, click Create lineage chain. In this case, the target asset becomes the source asset for the next step of the chain.