Configure Data360 Govern for integration - Data360_Govern - Latest

Data360 Govern Help

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Precisely Data Integrity Suite > Govern
Data360 Govern
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Data360 Govern
Data360 Govern Help
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Integration between Data360 DQ+ and Data360 Govern makes it possible to create a dashboard in Data360 DQ+ and view it in Data360 Govern. This section details how to configure dashboard access in Data360 Govern. It does not give details about how to configure a dashboard in Data360 DQ+. For details on configuring a dashboard, see the Data360 DQ+ documentation.

Before you can add your dashboard, you need to establish its URL. You can do this by obtaining some parameters from Data360 DQ+.
  1. Get the Data360 DQ+ server URL. The server URL is the base URL used for Data360 DQ+. You'll find it in the web browser's address bar when loading the Data360 DQ+ instance.
    Note: Use only the protocol:/ portion of the address. For example, for the server, the base URL is:
  2. Get the Data360 DQ+ Tenant ID. The Tenant ID is configured in the sagacityCompanyId property prior to deployment.
    For enterprise instances, the administrator can obtain the Tenant ID from the sagacityCompanyId property in the file. The Tenant ID is the same ID used to register the Data360 DQ+ product.

    For cloud instances, the Tenant ID is assigned during initial setup. In most cases, the value is the customer's company name. To obtain the ID value, administrators should contact Precisely Support.

  3. Append the following to the URL: ?portalmode=true&tenantId=<tenant_id_value>, where <tenant_id_value> is the value that you obtained in the previous step.
  4. Get the dashboard ID of the dashboard that you want to make available for viewing in Data360 Govern. In Data360 DQ+, administrators can get the dashboard ID by browsing to the dashboard, then in the browser address bar, select and copy the part of the address after index.html. The section that you need begins with a pound symbol (#) followed by viewdashboard/, and ends with a number. For example: #viewdashboard/128037.
  5. Append the dashboard ID to the URL. A complete dashboard URL has this format: <Server URL>?portalmode=true&tenantID=<Tenant ID><Dashboard ID>

    For example, a complete, valid URL could look like this:"

Once you have your dashboard URL, you can complete the steps in Create a Data360 DQ+ dashboard to add your dashboard to Data360 Govern.