Assigning ownership of assets - Data360_Govern - Latest

Data360 Govern Help

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Data360 Govern
Precisely Data Integrity Suite > Govern
Product name
Data360 Govern
Data360 Govern Help
First publish date

An important aspect of good governance is to establish ownership of assets, with owners taking responsibility for the accuracy and quality of the assets that they own.

Default ownership rules are established by the administrators of the system, with certain types of asset being assigned to particular users and groups upon creation. If you are responsible for configuring the system, or wish to learn more about how this is achieved, please see Establishing responsibilities.

To review the ownership of your newly created asset, browse or search to navigate to the asset page and select the Responsibilities tab.

The Responsibilities table lists Responsibilities against users and groups (called Resources) for this asset.

Responsibilities determine which actions you can take upon assets. By default, with no responsibilities assigned, a user can only view an asset. Responsibilities then grant you rights to perform actions such as editing assets or assigning ownership.

Responsibilities also determine the role of users in workflows, identifying who is able to approve or reject the actions of others.

Typical responsibilities are:

  • Business Owner
  • Data Steward
  • Data Protection Officer

However, this can be customized for your own installation, and you may wish to seek further information from your system administrators.

Modifying ownership of an asset

If you have the required permissions, you can add new responsibilities to users or groups for an asset.

  1. Click the Add icon above the list. The Responsibilities panel is displayed.
  2. Choose a Responsibility from the list.
  3. Choose a Resource (user or group) to assign permissions to the asset:

If you have administrator rights, you can see exactly which entitlements a Responsibility confers on a user or group, by navigating to Administration > Security > Responsibilities.