Configuring bulk load spreadsheets - Data360_Govern - Latest

Data360 Govern Help

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Data360 Govern Help
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When you bulk load data, the columns in the spreadsheet that contain the data need to be formatted according to the field types in your asset.

Before you begin

  • Perform and verify an upload of a subset of your data, or even a single row, to reduce errors in your bulk upload before attempting to upload the complete data set.
  • You can download a spreadsheet containing the expected columns to help ensure your spreadsheet is correctly formatted. The downloaded spreadsheet contains the correct formatting for various field types. For example, a column that corresponds to a single-select list field is formatted in the Excel file as a drop-down list. The list is validated against a set of values that correspond to the available list items. For information about downloading a spreadsheet, see Bulk loading business terms.

Bulk loading child assets

If you are bulk loading child assets you need to make sure that the column in your spreadsheet that defines the parent asset includes both the name and the UID of the parent asset. When you download the required spreadsheet template this information is automatically included.

The required format is parent name [uid].

Field types

Some field types require specific formatting in your bulk upload spreadsheet, as follows:


Format: <Date>.

Example: 2019-05-28

Date With Time

Format: <Date>T<Time>.

Example: 2019-05-28T11:16:31


To bulk upload content to a JSON field, make sure your column contains valid JSON.

For example:

    "name":"John Smith",

The JSON could also be displayed without line breaks:

{"name":"John Smith","age":"55","registered":"yes"}

Your JSON must be formatted as follows:

  • The JSON must be contained by opening and closing braces: {...}
  • The JSON must consist of key-value pairs. In the above example, "name" is a key, and "John Smith" is a value. A value will typically be a string, number, or Boolean data type. More complex JSON could include values that contain objects or arrays. For some examples of complex JSON formatting, see JSON Examples.
  • Keys and values of data type "string" must be surrounded by double-quote characters. You do not need to use double-quote characters for Number and Boolean values.

Use the following format to bulk upload content to a Link field:


For example:

Example URL  |

Note: The | character is not supported when used within a URL. If you need to use the | character in a URL that you are bulk loading, you must encode this character as: %7C


For fields with a field type of List where Allow Multiple Items? is set to False, select the value from the drop-down list.

For fields where Allow Multiple Items? is set to True, enter the values as a comma-delimited text string. Make sure there is no space between the comma and the following list item, for example list item 1,list item 2,list item 3.

You can download a spreadsheet containing the expected columns to help ensure your List column contains valid values. A single-select List field is formatted in the Excel file as a drop-down list, which is validated against a set of values that correspond to the available list items. However, the values must be entered for multi-select lists, as described previously. For information about downloading a template spreadsheet, see Bulk loading business terms.


When loading assets of an asset type that has a Tag field, the bulk load spreadsheet includes a column for the Tag field type and a Tag Action column. In the Tag field type column, specify one or more tags that you want to load in a pipe delimited list, for example Tag1|Tag2|Tag3. In the Tag Action column, specify either Append to add new tags, or Replace to replace the existing tags. The Tag Action column is optional and if not populated the bulk load will Append any specified tags.

Spreadsheet example:

Asset name Description Tags Tag Action
Account Unique identification number Tag1|Tag2|Tag3 Append
Address Postal address Tag4 Replace

Append examples

In the following examples, the Tag Action column is set to Append (or is left blank, and in this case the default Append action is applied).

Load one or more tags to an asset item that does not currently have any tags:

Before Load value After Result
Tag1|Tag2|Tag3 Tag1|Tag2|Tag3 The tags are added to the asset item. If a specified tag does not already exist, it will be created during the bulk load.

Load one or more tags to an asset item that already has one or more tags:

Before Load value After Result
Tag1|Tag2 Tag3 Tag1|Tag2|Tag3 Tag1 and Tag2 remain on the asset item and Tag3 is added.

Load one or more tags to an asset item that already has a tag with the same name:

Before Load value After Result


Tag3 Tag1|Tag2|Tag3 No changes are made to the tags on the asset item.

Do not load any new tags to an asset item that already has one or more tags:

Before Load value After Result


Tag1|Tag2|Tag3 No changes are made to the tags on the asset item.

Replace examples

In the following examples, the Tag Action column is set to Replace.

Load one or more tags to an asset item that does not currently have any tags:

Before Load value After Result
Tag1|Tag2|Tag3 Tag1|Tag2|Tag3 The tags are added to the asset item.

Load one or more tags to an asset item that already has one or more tags:

Before Load value After Result
Tag1|Tag2 Tag3 Tag3 Tag1 and Tag2 are removed from the asset item and Tag3 is added.

Load one or more tags to an asset item that already has a tag with the same name:

Before Load value After Result


Tag3 Tag3 Tag1 and Tag2 are removed from the asset item and Tag3 remains on the item.

Do not load any new tags to an asset item that already has one or more tags:

Before Load value After Result


All tags are removed from the asset item.
Note: If you are bulk loading an asset that has an Asset Path or Score type field, these fields will not be included in the bulk load.