Uninstall the country templates before you uninstall the repository server.
Uninstalling the Country Templates on Red Hat 7
To uninstall the Country Templates
Log in as the Trillium application administrator. Locate the directory where you installed country templates and find _uninst directory.
The _uninst directory is located here: <software installation root>/_uninst/CountryProjects17
From the <software installation root> directory, run the uninstall command:
./_uninst/CountryProjects17/uninstaller.bin -console
The setup prepares for the uninstall and prompts you to confirm the uninstall.
Click Next. You will see a list of the country templates that will get uninstalled.
Press Enter to begin to uninstall. After uninstall is complete, you will see the message “The InstallShield Wizard has successfully uninstalled TSS 17 Country Templates.”
Uninstalling the Country Templates on Red Hat 8
Log in as the Trillium application administrator. Locate the directory where you installed country templates and find _uninst directory.
The _uninst directory is located here: <software installation root>/_uninst/CountryProjects17
From the <software installation root> directory, run the uninstall command:
./_uninst/CountryProjects17/tss_ct_linux_RH8.sh --uninstall
The setup prepares for the uninstall and prompts you to confirm the uninstall. (The current working directory where the uninstaller is located is removed during uninstall. Change to a new current working directory to continue using the Red Hat 8 command prompt.)
Click Next. You will see a list of the country templates that will get uninstalled.
Press Enter to begin to uninstall. After uninstall is complete, you will see the message “The InstallShield Wizard has successfully uninstalled TSS 17 Country Templates.”