Use the following procedure to install Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) on Windows systems. During installation, you can optionally install Trillium Quality for Real Time and Trillium Quality for SAP depending on your license.
To install Trillium Quality EDQ 64-bit on Windows
Log in as the Trillium application administrator.
Browse to the Trillium Windows setup files you downloaded prior to installation from the MySupport website.
Locate and run the executable. The InstallShield Wizard gathers the required information and displays the welcome message.
Click Next. The License Agreement window opens.
Read the License Agreement and select I accept the terms in the license agreement option.
Click Next. The Product Key window opens.
Enter your product key.
Click Next. The Destination Folder window opens.
Do one of the following:
Click Next to accept the default path.
Click Change to specify a different path and then click Next.
Note: The EDQ applications must be installed at the same location where you installed the repository server if both applications are installed on the same system. If you are updating a previous installation of EDQ software, the software updates in place.The Custom Setup window opens.
Select the features and components to install on this computer.
The features listed on this screen vary depending on your product key. By default, all components activated by your product key will be installed.
To omit a feature, click the icon next to the feature name and select the This feature will not be available option. For more information about customizing the setup, click Help.
Click Next. The next window displayed depends on the components you have selected for installation.