When you install the Trillium server, a default \tables directory is created. For example, on Windows this location is C:\Program Files\Trillium Software\MBSW\17\tsq\tables. and on Linux the location is: .install_path/tsq/tables
In the tables directory, sub-directories are created for GAV tables, code pages, parser rules, and general process files. Some sub-directories are pre-populated and others must be populated manually:
The following sub-directories are populated automatically during the Trillium server install:
code_pages. Code page tables.
general_resources. General process files, including rule, table, ddx, ddl, and map files.
parser_rules. Parser rule file.
For the following sub-directories, you must manually install (copy) the appropriate tables:
ACE_tables. Tables for the JP Postal Matcher Address Code Edition (ACE) Postal Matcher.
aptables. APAC/Asian Tables for the Postal Matcher for China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.
census_tables. Tables for US Census Geocoder used with the US Postal Matcher.
gatables. Tables for countries used by the Global Postal Matcher and Geocoder.
postal_tables. 64-bit UTF-8 tables for the 16 Trillium Postal Matcher countries (see 64-Bit UTF-8 Tables).
By default, GAV-related files and tables are installed to the locations shown in this section. For Linux, the top-level path is /install_path/tables. To specify a different location for the GAV tables, follow the instructions in the section Defining Alternative Table Locations.
64-bit UTF-8 GAV Tables
Asian (APAC) GAV Tables (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan)
ACE GAV Tables (Japanese Address Code Edition dictionaries)
Census Tables
Global (GA) GAV Tables