Setting Up Oracle/IBM Db2 Data Source Connections - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.1

Trillium DQ Installation Guide

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium DQ Installation Guide
First publish date
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Make sure that you completed all of these steps:

  • Ensure the Trillium Repository Server is installed.

  • Ensure that the appropriate Oracle/IBM Db2 client is installed on the repository server machine.

  • Ensure that you can connect to Oracle/IBM Db2 from an Oracle/IBM Db2 client that is installed on the repository server machine.

  • For Oracle, try to connect using the Oracle Network Configuration Assistant, or similar application.

  • For IBM Db2, try to connect through Command Center, Control Center, or a similar application.

  • For Oracle, find the database name (that Trillium accesses for data imports) by checking the name specified in the tnsnames.ora file.

  • For repository servers installed on UNIX, modify the Trillium file tss_profile to reflect your site configuration. See the procedure on To modify the tss_profile file on a UNIX Server.

  • If you plan to modify date formats from an Oracle database, modify the oracleremote.sdf file.

  • Ensure that IBM Db2 and Oracle asynchronous I/O processes have not been removed to increase available memory. This action could result in connectivity failure to these RDBMS applications.

  • Ensure that you have login access to your IBM Db2 or Oracle data sources.

  • Define an IBM Db2 or Oracle data connection using the Repository Server Manager. (For this procedure, see the Trillium DQ Repository Administrator’s Guide.)

  • If you installed Oracle or Db2 clients after the Trillium repository server installation, reboot the server to set environment variables.

The following steps are only necessary for repository servers on UNIX. If an Oracle/Db2 client is installed on the repository server for Windows, the environment information is automatically located through the system environment variables.

When working with Trillium software, Inetd accesses tss_profile to gather environment information. By making the following changes to the tss_profile file, you are ensuring that the software knows how to access Oracle and IBM Db2 databases.

To modify the tss_profile file on a UNIX Server

  1. Stop the Scheduler.

    1. Verify that there are no users logged on to Trillium.

    2. Log in to the Trillium server as the Trillium administrator.

    3. Change directories to /Server Path/metabase/bin. When you installed Trillium, you were asked Where would you like to install the TSS 17 Repository Server? This is the directory represented by Server Path.

    4. Type the command:

      ./scheduler -stop

  2. Change to the /Server Path/etc directory.

  3. Locate the file named tss_profile and open it for editing.

  4. Add an entry to the file based on the following table:

    Relational Database



    the entry:

    export ORACLE_HOME=<path to Oracle client>

    IBM Db2

    an entry to run the db2profile script that is supplied with IBM Db2. Start the line in the script with a “. ” to ensure the environment gets updated.

    For example:

    . /home/db2inst/sqllib/db2profile

  5. You may be able to copy the required Oracle and IBM Db2 information from the file named .profile which is in the <install path>/server/metabase/etc directory who installed Trillium.

  6. If you are connecting to an Oracle database, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to the location of the Oracle libraries.

  7. Verify that the path is exported.

  8. Save and close the file.

  9. Restart the Scheduler.

    1. Make sure that you are logged on to the repository server as the Trillium application administrator.

    2. Make sure that you are in the directory:

      Server Path/metabase/bin

Note: For example, if the repository server path is /install_path/server, then you would change directories to /install_path/server/metabase/bin.

To enable modified date formats from Oracle databases

  1. Open the file oracleremote.sdf for editing. This file is located in the repository server’s /etc directory (for example, install path/MBSW/17/etc).

  2. Add the following environment variables to the file:



    For example: set env(NLS_DATE_FORMAT) YYYYMMDD

    Note: Valid values for these variables are defined by Oracle. For more information, check with your Oracle system administrator. Both variables are required for UNIX. Only the NLS_DATE_FORMAT variable is required for Windows installations; the NLS_LANG variable is set in the registry automatically.
  3. Save and close the file.