If you are installing CRM 7.0 Ehp1, Ehp2, Ehp3 and Ehp4, proceed with the following steps. All other users can proceed to CRM WebClient Components.
CRM 7.0 Ehp1, Ehp2, Ehp3 and Ehp4 users only: Apply the following OSS Notes:
1599111 Incorrect check status after address validation (Ehp1 only)
1623772 Address validation: Dynamic usage creation for popups (Ehp1 and Ehp2)
1693004 Postal validation for standard address not done second time (Ehp1 and Ehp2)
1919171 Important Address fields are not passed during fuzzy search (Ehp1, Ehp2 and Ehp3)
2283873 (Ehp4)
CRM 7.0 Ehp1, Ehp2, Ehp3 and Ehp4 users only: Deactivate BADI implementation MDG_BS_ADR_SEARCH_INITIAL_LOAD.You will need to obtain a repair key for object R3TR ENHO MDG_BS_ADR_SEARCH_INITIAL_LOAD.In transaction SE19, change new BADI implementation MDG_BS_ADR_SEARCH_INITIAL_LOAD. Uncheck the Implementation is active check box and activate the BADI.
After activation, you should see that the Runtime Behavior is “The implementation will not be called.”
CRM 7.0 Ehp1, Ehp2, Ehp3 and Ehp4 users only: Optionally, remove the message text from the address check pop-up view configuration for roles other than the IC WebClient.
CRM 7.0 Ehp1, Ehp2, Ehp3 and Ehp4 users only: Using transaction SM30, reduce the threshold on object type BUS1006 from 90.0 to 10.0 in view BSV_DUPL_OBJ.