Verifying the Installation Checklist on Linux - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - 17.1

Trillium DQ Installation Guide

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium DQ Installation Guide
First publish date
Last updated
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  1. Verify that your system satisfies the hardware requirements listed on Minimum Requirements: Repository Server. Trillium recommends that you install the repository server on a local drive.

  2. Verify that your system has the latest platform patch. All required patches are available from your operating system support provider.

  3. Identify available ports. The repository server installation program asks for separate port numbers (accessible from the client to the server and not blocked) for:

    • Repository Server Login (client port)

    • Repository Server Scheduler (and license server if hosted locally)

    • License Server Host (if hosted remotely)

    • TS Web services (UI Web Server)

    Note: Port numbers should not exceed 65535 and ports less than 1024 are typically reserved. For easy reference, port numbers should be consecutive numbers.

    To find available port numbers:

    1. Inspect the services file, located at: /etc/services

    2. Type the command netstat -an to identify ports that have applications listening on them.

  4. For Windows Active Directory authentication, verify you know the name of the of the domain controller that will authenticate users. If you do not know the name of the controller, contact your Network Administrator responsible for the Active Directory. You can also use the nslookup command. For example:

    On Windows:

    set type=all

    where domain is the name of your domain. This will return a list of all the domain controllers for the specific domain.

  5. Install the basic calculator (bc). If not installed, the following error will display:

'bc' command was not found. Please make sure bc is in the path and run the installer again.

Install the basic calculator and restart the installation.