Migration Steps on Linux - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - 17.1

Trillium DQ Installation Guide

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium DQ Installation Guide
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Use the following procedure to migrate the existing repository server during installation of v17.1.

Attention: The migration to Trillium 17.1 does not support alternate repositories.

To migrate the repository server

  1. Log in to the system where you plan to install the repository server as the Trillium application administrator.
  2. If you have not yet done so, download the server installation software provided by Precisely Fulfillment.
  3. In the install software package, locate the directory /Linux Server
  4. Unzip and copy the setup file to the tmp directory on your server. The /tmp directory you copy the setup file to must have executable permissions set.
  5. Set execute permissions on the setup file (if necessary). For example:
    chmod +x tss_server_17.1.0.21341.292_linux.sh
  6. Run the server setup file as follows:

    Example: ./tss_server_17.1.0.21341.292_linux.sh

    The NIS warning displays. Take action if needed. The warning is followed by the prompt: Choose from one of the options listed below.

    If Ctrl-C is entered at any time while running the server setup to quit the installation, all temporary installation files and directories will be removed.

  7. Type 2 to select the option 2, Migration from earlier version.

    The installer searches the system for existing installations of previous versions and validates the paths associated with the existing installations.

  8. Type the respective path number from the list that you want to upgrade.
  9. Enter the repository boot login password.
  10. Enter the repository server path and press Enter.

    Example: /appdata/demo/Lin_1610_migration_1proj_nosplit_to_v17/server 

    The application binaries are installed in this location.

  11. Enter the directory path where the tsq projects will be located. A blank entry will default to the repository server software directory, press Enter.
  12. You see the prompt Directory path where the data repositories will be located. A data repository is a destination designated for your user data storage.
  13. Enter the path for your data repositories, for example, /appdata/demo/Lin_1610_migration_1proj_nosplit_to_v17/repository and press Enter.
    Note: The repository server and data repository paths must be unique.
  14. You see the prompt Directory path where the metadata repositories will be located. A blank entry will default to the data repositories directory. A metadata repository is a database created to store metadata discovered by Trillium Discovery.
  15. Enter the path in the file system for the metadata repositories.
    Note: If you are using the same path specified at Step 14, leave it blank.

    Example: /appdata/demo/Lin_1610_migration_1proj_nosplit_to_v17/metadata 

  16. Press Enter.

    You see the prompt To use Windows Authentication, enter Active Directory server address or hostname:

  17. For Windows authentication (recommended), enter the active directory name and press Enter.

    If you plan to use Trillium authentication, simply press Enter.

    You see the prompt Enter the Repository Environment boot login name:

    Note: If using Trillium Authentication, the migration will use the same user name and password as were used in the target repository.
  18. Enter the login name for the repository administrator and press Enter.

    You see the prompt Enter the Repository Environment boot login password:

  19. Create a password for Trillium authentication. Or, enter the password associated with your Windows user ID for Windows authentication.
  20. Press Enter.
    Note: Take note of the Trillium Repository Administrator login name and password. You must provide this information to log in to Repository Administration Command Prompt tool and to the Administration Center.

    You see the prompt Will your license manager be local or remote?

  21. Specify whether the License Server is local or remote.
    • Enter 1 if the License Server will be hosted locally (the default).

    • Enter 2 if the License Server will be hosted remotely. Use this option when you install on multiple servers.

  22. Press Enter. You see the prompt Enter license manager host name (host name):
  23. Enter the full license manager host name and press Enter.

    The following warning may display:

    WARNING: Services for TSS 17 - Repository Server have not been installed yet. To install them later you will need the root password.

    Disregard the warning as you will install the repository services later.

    The warning is followed by the prompt: Enter port number for Client login: 

  24. Enter the port number for the client and press Enter.

    You see the prompt: Enter port number for Scheduler: 

  25. Enter the port number for the Scheduler and press Enter.
  26. You see the prompt: Enter port number for the web server:

    Enter the port number for the web server nodePort (for example, 17242) and press Enter. Ensure another program (for example, Trillium Geolocation web interface) does not use the same port number.

  27. At the prompt Enter Password Vault Type, specify whether to use a password vault for ODBC connections. Password vaults allow you to connect more securely to password-protected data sources.

    Do one of the following:

    • Enter 1 to accept the default of None. Specify None if you do not know the URL, you want to configure CyberArk at a later time, or you are not using CyberArk security. For more information, see the Trillium DQ Repository Administrator’s Guide.   

    • Enter 2 if CyberArk account security is configured in your environment. This will enable use of secure account credentials stored in an encrypted digital vault when creating an ODBC data source (entity) that uses a data (loader) connection to a password-protected database.

    When you enter 2, the prompt Enter the Password Vault URL displays. Enter the URL supplied by your CyberArk administrator. The URL must start with http:// or https://. Press Enter. The URL is validated.

    If validation fails, you see this alert: The password vault URL provided is not responding. Check the URL and network connections then try again or try configuring the password vault after installation. Enter one of the following:

    • Retry (default) Enter 1. At the prompt Enter the Password Vault URL, enter a URL and press Enter.

    • Continue installation Enter 2 and press Enter to continue without the URL.

    Note: The URL is stored as a parameter in the Trillium server config.txt file. Trillium application administrators can add or change the URL at a later time, even if you accept None as the default now.
  28. At the prompt Check your installation settings to make sure they are correct. Continue installation? (y/n): review the settings that you specified.
    • Enter y if the settings look correct and you want to continue the installation.

    • Enter n if the settings are not satisfactory. The program takes you back to the beginning of the process.

  29. Press Enter. The installation untars the binary, TSQ, and EDQ table files and displays the prompt Choose your Oracle version.
  30. Enter the option number (1 or 2) that applies to your site and press Enter. The default value is 1 (Oracle 19). 2 is None. Press Enter.

    The process installs the Data Adapter. Data Adapter provides read/write functionality to various database products supported by Trillium.

  31. You see the prompt:

    Services for Repository Environment may need to be installed. This requires an update to the (x)inetd configuration of this machine. They can be installed now (requires root password) or later (by running setup -root). Install services for Repository Environment now?

    Services for repository environment are required for using the Trillium Repository Manager. See Root Password for an explanation of why root password is required.

    Enter y or n to proceed:

    • Enter y if you have a root password and wish to proceed. You are prompted for the root password. Enter the root password and press Enter. The installation process begins. When all the repository services have been installed, a completion message is displayed. Proceed to Step 32.

    • Enter n if you do not have a root password or if you do not wish to install repository services at this time. If you enter n, it displays the instructions on how to install repository services later using the command. You will do this starting at Step 33. Proceed to Step 32 for now.

  32. If you selected y at Step 31, this completes the repository server installation.

    If you selected n at Step 31, proceed to Step 33.


  33. Go to the metabase/etc directory under the repository server path and open setup.log.

    Example: /appdata/demo/server/metabase/etc

  34. Copy the entire command starting with ./setup -root from setup.log and run this command from the metabase directory under the repository server path, preceded by sudo.


    cd /appdata/demo/server/metabasesudo ./setup -root -user john_smith -home/home/john_smith -instdir/opt/trillium/server -clientPort 17140 -schedPort 17141 -mtbadminPort 0

    The installation starts and the NIS warning displays. Take action if needed. A series of status messages displays and when the process finishes, a message “Root installation finished” displays.

  35. This completes the repository server installation. Depending on your license, you may need to install some or all of EDQ 64-bit TS Quality for Real Time. Go to Installing Enterprise Data Quality(EDQ)for instructions. If you do not need to install EDQ, go to Post-Server/EDQ Installation Procedures for the post-installation procedures.
  36. The .odbc.ini file is now installed to /server/metabase/etc. If the v16.1 .odbc.ini located in the HOME directory is needed, it should be moved to the /server/metabase/etc or the file would need to be merged with the installed .odbc.ini. If the v16.1 .odbc.ini is used, update the driver path to reflect the new install location and review the entries.