If you installed Trillium for SAP on Windows, reboot your computer.
Activated BC-SET in SAP with no errors.
Able to access Address Management with Trillium and can make modifications in this section.
Activated required countries.
Activated Index Pool.
Installed all Trillium for SAP components with the correct parameters:
Path used: Absolute/Relative
Port number:
Host name:
SAP Gateway Host name:
SAP Gateway Service name:
RFC Server user and password created and defined in the TrilSAP.cfg.
Configuration in SAPNWRFC.INI file matches RFC destination configuration in SAP.
Windows – Trillium Quality services starts by using either the:
Director for Trillium Quality System Manager
Administrative Tools -> Services
UNIX – Confirm that the Trillium Quality services start by using either:
The Director for Trillium Quality Console
The UNIX console using command:
ps -ef | grep rill
Check permissions.
Test the connection using transaction /nSM59.
Check the number of threads available using transaction /nSMGW.
Test to ensure that out-of-the-box is successful.
Modify the path to postal tables and project or project template to utilize the complete version of postal tables and word patterns.