Installing Trillium Vendor ODBC Adapter - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.1

Trillium DQ Installation Guide

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium DQ Installation Guide
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Warning: ODBC Vendor-Supplied Loader Connections for Linux. If your Trillium Quality batch project includes a Database Read/Write process, uses an ODBC data source that uses an ODBC driver (database adapter) and the Vendor-Supplied ODBC Adapter, and you run the exported batch script in a Linux environment (Trillium server installed on a Linux system), the batch script will fail. Validating the project's database settings will return an error and will not complete. This scenario is supported only when the Trillium server is installed on a Windows system.

To install Trillium Vendor-supplied ODBC Adapter on Windows Server

  1. Log in to the system where you want to install Trillium ODBC adapter as the Windows Administrator.

  2. If you have not yet done so, download the setup package provided by Precisely Fulfillment.

  3. Browse to the setup files and double-click TSS_Windows_Vendor_ODBC_Adapter\tss_odbc_17.1.0.nnnnn.nnn_win.exe to begin the installation. The InstallShield Wizard gathers the required information and opens the Welcome window.

  4.  Click Next. The License Agreement window opens.

  5. Read the agreement and if you agree to the terms, select I accept the terms in the license agreement.

  6. Click Next. The Customer Information window opens.

  7. Enter User Name and Organization information.

  8. Click Next. The Destination Folder window opens.

  9. Click Next to accept the default destination for the Trillium ODBC binaries. Alternately, click Change to specify a different location, then click Next. The Log Folder window opens.

  10. Click Next to accept the default location for log files. Alternately, click Change to specify a different location, then click Next. The Server Port window opens.

    This port is for the Trillium ODBC Service. Note down this number since you will need to supply it when defining the ODBC data connections. This port must not be used by any other service on the machine.

  11. In ODBC Adapter Port, specify the port number or keep the default value. Then click Next. The Ready to Install window opens.

  12. Click Install to begin the installation. When the installation is complete the InstallShield Wizard Completed window opens.

  13. Click Finish to close the wizard.

  14. Restart you system for the installation changes to take effect.

If you intend to import data from Oracle or IBM Db2, continue to Setting Up Oracle/IBM Db2 Data Source Connections.