You must create a UNIX ID for the Trillium application administrator and, if you are using sudo, grant sudo rights before installing Trillium. This administrator installs the repository server, and administers the Scheduler and License Manager on the server.
To create a Trillium application administrator
As the UNIX root user, create an administrator user account to perform Trillium administrative activities.
Do one of the following:
If you are not leveraging the security provided through sudo, make sure that the Trillium application administrator has read access to any data import directories that you define. Proceed to Defining Trillium Load Users on Linux.
If you are leveraging the security features of sudo, proceed to step 3.
As the UNIX root user, type the command:
This brings up the file named sudoers for editing.
Important: You must always edit this file through the visudo command.-
In the Defaults: specification section, add the following entries:
If the Trillium application administrator user_id is tssadmin, add the following entries:Defaults:tssadmin targetpw Defaults:tssadmin passwd_tries=1 Defaults:tssadmin timestamp_timeout=0
In the User Privilege specification section, add:
<user_id> ALL=(ALL) ALL
If the Trillium application administrator user_id is tssadmin, add:tssadmin ALL=(ALL) ALL
Save the file and exit.
Verify that sudo is correctly configured.
Log in as the Trillium application administrator.
Issue the following command:
sudo -u <TSS Loader User ID> id
When prompted, enter the password for the Trillium load user.
Type the command:
The operating system should return the UNIX uid of the Trillium load user. If it does not, contact your system administrator.