Note the following guidelines:
The Trillium Quality core 64-bit modules are installed with the Trillium repository server, although the server installation on Windows does not install EDQ 64-bit (TS Quality for Real Time) components. Therefore, after you install the Trillium server, if you are licensed for one or more real-time components, including TS Web Services, Director SDK, and Trillium Quality for SAP, you must also install EDQ 64-bit.
If you are not installing the Trillium server software but still need the Trillium Quality core 64-bit modules, install EDQ core 64-bit. For example, if you plan to create Trillium Quality projects to deploy to real time.
If you are licensed for Trillium Quality for SAP, it is recommended that you install both the Trillium server software and EDQ 64-bit because the server software is used to modify SAP-specific projects.