Configuring Hub Logging - ironstream_for_splunk - ironstream_for_elastic - ironstream_for_kafka - Ironstream_Hub - 1.3

Ironstream Hub Administration

Product type
Product family
Ironstream > Ironstream for Splunk®
Ironstream > Ironstream for Elastic®
Ironstream > Ironstream for Kafka®
Ironstream > Ironstream Hub
Product name
Ironstream Hub
Ironstream Hub Administration
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Log files contain messages about the activity of the Hub main process and all Pipelines in date/time order. They are particularly useful for diagnostic purposes and for use by Precisely Support because they can provide a picture of the actions that Hub has taken.

There are three log settings files:
  1. The Hub service’s log files are configured in logsettings.json.
  2. The Hub Portal (the browser part) logs are configured in ui_logsettings.json.
  3. The Hub Portal service (the back-end to the browser) logs are configured in portal_logsettings.json.

If any of these log settings files are missing or empty, then Hub will automatically create a User log and a Trace log for that log type, both of which will write to ‘stderr’, normally to the console. If running as a service this ‘console output’ may not be visible, so you are advised to ensure the log settings all contain suitable definitions to write to files.

A logging level of “Verbose” generates a lot of messages. It is not recommended to set log levels to “Verbose” unless you are troubleshooting Hub.

Hub in zCX Container

If you are using the zCX version of the Hub, you must use the docker cp command to copy the log settings files.

For example, the following command can be used to copy the logsettings.json file to the local directory:
docker cp ironstream-hub-portal:/opt/ihub/conf/logsettings.json
Once the changes to logsettings.json are made, it can be copied back:
docker cp logsettings.json ironstream-hub:/opt/ihub/conf/logsettings.json