-from exactly matches the name of a valid and saved pipeline.
-to points to a text file containing the names of one or more pipelines that will receive the contents of the -from pipeline.
This text file must have a single pipeline name on each line to which the -from configuration will be applied.
Each pipeline name must begin in the left-most position of the line and must exactly match the case of an existing pipeline.
The source types in the list of -to pipeline does not need to match the -from pipeline.
The types and numbers of targets in each -to pipeline does not need to match the -from pipeline. These will be created or updated by the cloning operation.
Before any cloning takes place the conf directory will be copied to a dated and timed name of conf_backup_<datetime> and you will be prompted to confirm you wish to undertake the cloning. If once the clone completes successfully the results are not as you wish, you can rename the conf directory to, for example conf.old, then rename the just-created conf_backup_<datetime> directory to conf.