Configuring Time Series Converter - ironstream_for_kafka - ironstream_for_elastic - Ironstream_Hub - ironstream_for_splunk - 1.3

Ironstream Hub Administration

Product type
Product family
Ironstream > Ironstream for Elastic®
Ironstream > Ironstream for Kafka®
Ironstream > Ironstream for Splunk®
Ironstream > Ironstream Hub
Product name
Ironstream Hub
Ironstream Hub Administration
First publish date

The purpose of the time series converter is to convert from standard JSON format into an intermediate time series format. The intermediate format will then be converted into the Data Dog format by the Data Dog transform script.

When the ProcessType is set to TimeSeriesConverter, a parent field named TimeSeriesConverterConfiguration must be populated with one or more pairs of Name and Value fields as shown below. You may have any number of Name and Value pairs as you wish. If you enter items that are not correctly paired, the process will be invalid and the pipeline will not start.
Fields Description Valid Values
Keys List of JSON fields that are keys - i.e., the fields that can uniquely identify the instance that is being reported on
  1. Each Key must be at least one character
  2. 0 Keys is allowed
TimestampFieldName The name of the JSON field in the input payload that contains the timestamp

Mandatory. One or more characters.

InputTimestampFormat The format of the timestamp field in the input payload

Must be one of these three:

  1. A valid GoLang DateTime format.
  2. “UNIXEpoch”
  3. “UNIXEpochMilliseconds”
OutputTimestampFormat The format of the timestamp field in the output payload

Must be one of these three:

  1. A valid GoLang DateTime format.
  2. “UNIXEpoch”
  3. “UNIXEpochMilliseconds”
Example Time Series Converter File
  "Name": "TimeSeriesConverter",
  "Id": "bb399413-3c2d-4b45-a85e-bf4c95c9bbc0",
  "TimeSeriesConverterConfiguration": {
    "Keys":["host", "status"],
  "ProcessType": "TimeSeriesConverter"