PERFDATA2 - ironstream_for_kafka - ironstream_for_splunk - ironstream_for_elastic - Ironstream_Hub - 1.3

Ironstream Hub Administration

Product type
Product family
Ironstream > Ironstream for Kafka®
Ironstream > Ironstream Hub
Ironstream > Ironstream for Elastic®
Ironstream > Ironstream for Splunk®
Product name
Ironstream Hub
Ironstream Hub Administration
First publish date
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Performance Group 2 (*PERFDATA2) data metrics that can be collected:

Short Name Description Unit
Time Stamp Time stamp in seconds since epoch 00:00 1/1/1970 Integer
Percent Perm Addr Percentage of maximum possible addresses for permanent objects that have been used Integer, expressing percentage in thousandths
Percent Temp Addr Percentage of maximum possible addresses for temporary objects that have been used Integer, expressing percentage in thousandths
System ASP Storage capacity of the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP1) Integer, expressed in Megabytes
Pct System ASP Used Percentage of the system storage pool currently in use Decimal, expressed in ten thousandths
Total Aux Storage Total auxiliary storage on the system Integer, in Megabytes
Cur Unprot Stor Used Current amount of storage in use for temporary objects Integer, in Megabytes
Max Unprot Stor Used Largest amount of storage for temporary objects used at any one time since the last IPL Integer, in Megabytes
Main Storage Size Amount of main storage in the system. On a partitioned system, the main storage size can change while the system is active Integer, in Kilobytes
Num of Memory Pools The number of memory pools allocated Integer
  • Integer in tenths means the value is reported to 1 decimal place then multiplied by 10. For example, a value of “12” represents 1.2.
  • Integer in hundredths means the value is reported to 2 decimal places then multiplied by 100. For example, a value of “123” represents 1.23.
  • Integer in thousandth means the value is reported to 3 decimal places then multiplied by 1000. For example, a value of “1234” represents 1.234.