Responding to a procedure in *MSGW status - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations with PowerHA User Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations with PowerHA User Guide
Topic type
How Do I
First publish date

A procedure in *MSGW status is effectively paused at a known point in its processing as a result of a runtime attribute on one of its steps. The procedure sent an inquiry message because a step specified *MSGW for its Action before step (BEFOREACT) attribute. All jobs for the procedure have completed processing all previous steps and are waiting to run the step’s program. An operator response is required.

A virtual switch procedure (type *SWTVRT) is intended to remain in *MSGW status for step “Start recovery processing of virtual switch” (MXVRTRCY) the entire time that application tests are being performed on the designated test node. Do not respond to the message for this step until testing is complete and you are ready to start the recovery phase of the virtual switch. If the virtual switch procedure has a *MSGW status for any other step, handle the message like you would for any other procedure.

To respond to a procedure in *MSGW status, do the following from the Work with Procedure Status display:

  1. To see which step is waiting, type 8 (Step status) next to the procedure and press Enter.

  2. The Work with Step Status display appears. The information on this display can be used to determine which step is waiting to start. You will see steps with values of *COMP, *IGNERR, or *DSBLD followed by no status for all remaining steps. The first step with no status is the step that is waiting to start. Based on that step, determine how to respond to the message and whether you are ready to respond.

  3. You cannot display or respond to the procedure message from the Work with Step Status display. Press F12 to return to the Work with Procedure Status display.

  4. Type 11 (Display message) next to the procedure in *MSGW status and press Enter.

  5. You will see the message “Procedure name for application group name requires response. (G C).”

Note: Procedures of type *NODE will have *NONE for name.

Do one of the following:

  • A response of G (Go) is required to start processing the step. Type G and press Enter.

  • A response of C (Cancel) will cancel the procedure. Type C and press Enter.