Resolving status for node entries - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations with PowerHA User Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations with PowerHA User Guide
Topic type
How Do I
First publish date

The Work with Node Entries display lists the nodes associated with an application group or a data resource group. The Resource group and Type fields at the top of the display indicate what the nodes are associated with.

Figure 2. Status view of Work with Node Entries display showing nodes for an application group which participates in a cluster

For each node listed, check the Manager Status and the Cluster Status columns for status values that require attention. For a complete list of status values for each field and column, press F1 (Help).

Manager Status - This column indicates the status of all of the MIMIX system manager, journal manager, target journal inspection, and collector services jobs for the specified node.

Manager Status values that require user action.

Status Value

Description and Action


At least one of the system manager, journal manager, target journal inspection, or collector services jobs for the node has failed.

When all the nodes listed do not have the same value, use F7 (Systems) to access the Work with Systems display.  

  • Check the status of the system and journal managers, target journal inspection, and collector services.

  • Use option 9 (Start) to start the managers and services that are not active on the node.


All system manager, journal manager, target journal inspection, and collector services jobs for the specified node are inactive. This may be intentional when MIMIX is ended to perform certain activities.

Use F7 (Systems) to access the Work with Systems display.

Cluster Status - This column indicates the cluster status of the node. For nodes with a Cluster Status value other than *ACTIVE, use option 9 (Start) to start cluster services.

Cluster Status values that require user action.

Status Value

Description and Action


This node is an active member of the CRG but currently not eligible to become the primary node. To determine what is causing this condition, use iSeries Navigator to check the geographic mirroring status for the disk pools that are defined to this CRG.


 The current status of the resource group or node is inactive. Use option 9 (Start) to start cluster services for the node.


The current status of the node is partitioned. Contact your Support representative.