Choosing how to end MIMIX for restricted state processing or an IPL - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations with PowerHA User Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations with PowerHA User Guide
Topic type
How Do I
First publish date

Ending MIMIX on one or more nodes in preparation for restricted state processing or an IPL requires a decision about how much of MIMIX needs to be ended. MIMIX is ended differently depending on whether the outage needs to be an application outage, an environment outage, or an isolated outage.

Application outage - In an application outage, the entire cluster is ended, including the MIMIX production environment. Any custom code for ending the production environment that is included in the exit program for the application group will also run. This is the most extreme type of outage. During an application outage, disaster recovery protection is not available. An example is the planned loss of site due to utility upgrades, a mandatory evacuation, or a planned move of the entire site. This definition assumes that your site only has a high availability solution without a disaster recovery configuration which includes one or more systems physically located in another geographical location. Use topic Ending MIMIX as part of an application outage.

Environment outage - In an environment outage, MIMIX processing on all nodes is ended but clustering and your production application are not required to be ended. An example is when you need to upgrade MIMIX software to a higher version or modification level. Use topic Ending MIMIX as part of an environment outage.

Isolated outage - In an isolated outage, MIMIX processing is ended on one or more nodes but does not affect the production node. This may also require the node to be ended from the active clustering group. An example is a planned dedicated backup or an IPL of a backup node. Use topic Ending MIMIX as part of an isolated outage.