After a wizard new install (3+ nodes) or a command-based install or upgrade - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Installation Wizard for AUI and MIMIX Portal Application on Windows

Product type
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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Installation Wizard for AUI and MIMIX Portal Application on Windows
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Use these instructions if you used the MIMIX Installation Wizard for a new install on 3 or more nodes, on only 1 node, or if you used commands within the native user interface on IBM i to install or upgrade.

The following steps must be performed after successfully installing on all systems:

  1. Use the following command to start the MIMIX™ Software subsystem on all systems:

  2. If performing a new installation, configure MIMIX from the management system using the “Checklist: New remote journal (preferred) configuration” in the MIMIX Administrator Reference book.

  3. Ensure that your communications servers are started on all systems. Use the command WRKACTJOB SBS(MIMXSBS) to confirm that jobs have been started by any autostart jobs. If necessary, start the servers. For example, use the following command for TCP:

              installation-library/STRSVR HOST(host_name) PORT(port_number)

    where host_name is the host name or address and port_number is the port number or alias defined in the transfer definition for the system on which you are running this command.

  4. On each installation, use the following command on the management system to start all system managers, journal managers, collector services, application groups, data groups, monitors including the master monitor, the MXSCHED job, and the MXCOMMD job:

  5. Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 for each additional MIMIX™ Software installation.

  6. As needed, do the following:

  1. Make any known configuration changes on any installation that was upgraded. Check the special instructions above for details.

  2. Update your Runbook. For more information about the Runbook, contact your certified MIMIX™ Software consultant.

  3. Check MIMIX status using the information provided in the Assure MIMIX Operations book. To check status from the Assure UI portal, you may need to complete the remaining steps to ensure that the portal is up to date first.

  4. Use Step 8 through Step 13 to ensure your the Assure UI portal environment on IBM i is current and active.

    • If you used the wizard, default options ensured that the Assure UI portal was installed at a level compatible with the latest portal application for the product and started the Assure UI portal on all nodes. Skip to Step 12 to access a browser and log in.

    • If you used native user interface commands for a new installation or the first upgrade to a version 10.0 service pack, continue with Step 9.

    • If you used native user interface commands for an upgrade when the Assure UI portal version 10.0 was already installed, skip to Step 10 to make the latest portal application available to the Assure UI server.

    • If you use the Assure UI portal on a Windows® server, you need to manually update that environment using an additional wizard.

  5. Command line install processes (found in the License Manager for IBM i Products book) do not install or upgrade the Assure UI server, and do not make the server aware of the latest portal application. Use either of these methods to install the Assure UI portal on systems running IBM i:

    • Recommended method - Use the MIMIX Installation Wizard and select the option “MIMIX portal application only”. This will also install the Assure UI server as needed to support the portal application.

    • Alternate method - If you cannot use the wizard, use the Assure Unified Interface stream file installation method documented in the Using License Manager book.

  6. Make the portal application known to the server using the command:


    If the command fails with message VSE100A, you must upgrade the Assure UI server to a compatible level before you can use the latest portal application available. Choices for installing are identified in Step 9.

  7. Start the server using the command:

    Note: Note:The default port is 8410. Each instance of the server uses three consecutive ports. If you cannot use this port, change the port using instructions in the Assure Unified Interface User’s Guide book.
  8. If the installation wizard is still open, click the Launch Portal button on the Summary panel to open a browser window.

    If not, use the following URL, specifying the IP address or host name where the Assure Unified Interface server is installed and the configured port. The default port is 8410.

  9. Log in using your IBM i user ID and password.