Configure the Match and Merge Function - EnterWorks - Match_and_Merge - Precisely_EnterWorks - 3.1

EnterWorks Match and Merge

Product type
Product family
Precisely EnterWorks > Match and Merge
Precisely EnterWorks > Fusion
Product name
Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Match and Merge
First publish date
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Warning: When you are developing applications, defining sources, and granting user privileges, remember that security settings are not visible in the EnterWorks UI when applications are configured and enabled for end users. Consider defining separate Fusion users, implementing a naming convention, or using some other system that controls access or indicates the privileges granted to users when they are allowed to view or run applications and their sub-objects.

Match and Merge is built on the EnterWorks Fusion application development platform. For information about installing Fusion or creating Fusion applications, see Fusion.
To configure the Match and Merge functionality:
  1. Install or upgrade Fusion. Install or upgrade Fusion. Make sure to check Fusion's system requirements to make sure you are running the proper version of Fusion for your version of EnterWorks.
  2. Log into Fusion using the credentials:
    • Login: admin

    • Password: admin

  3. Create or import one or more Match and Merge Fusion applications.
    To import and configure an existing Match and Merge application:
    1. Import the desired application.
    2. Open the application by selecting it from the App list.
    3. Configure the application's data sources:
      1. Define or configure a data source named EPIM that is of type EnterworksSource. It accesses the EPIM database through the EnterWorks API.
      2. Define a data source named SQLServer that is of type MSSQLSource. This will be used to directly access the EPIM database through SQL, using administrative access. (Match and Merge can also be configured to use a source of type PgSQLSource.)
    4. Define or configure the following Specifications as needed:
      • Standardization
      • Matching
      Note that when you reference a table using the SQLServer source, you can use the EnterWorks logged in user ID by appending the following to the table name:
      If you are configuring the ewDemo application, you must add this to the dedup_account (one source) Matching Specification's Consolidated table reference, as shown below.
    5. Define or configure Scenarios to act upon the sources as specified in the Specifications. Note that all scenarios you configure will appear on the Match and Merge widget configuration screen. The administrator configuring the Match and Merge widget may have no visibility into the user permissions granted to the scenarios defined in an application.

The Match and Merge functionality is now ready to use. For instructions on adding a Match and Merge widget to a dashboard in the New UI, see Match and Merge Widget Administration.