Output - geotax_sdk - 2.2

GeoTAX SDK Developer Guide

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Geo Addressing
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GeoTAX SDK Developer Guide
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Refer to the hierarchy and field descriptions below for more detail about the API output.

Response Details

The fields shown here represent the result of calling lookupByAddress and lookupByLocation.

class TaxResponse {
    results: [class Result {
        jurisdiction: class TaxJurisdiction {
            state: class TaxState {
            county: class TaxCounty {
            place: class TaxPlace {
        matchedAddress: MatchedAddress {
        salesTax: class SalesTax {
            spdsTax: []
        useTax: class UseTax {
            spdsTax: []
        census: class Census {
            cbsa: class Cbsa {
            mcd: class Mcd {
            cbsad: class Cbsa {
            csa: class Cbsa {
        latLongFields: class LatLongFields {
            geometry: class Geometry {

GeoTAX API output

These are the fields returned via the LookupByAddress API.

Note: If you use Spectrum Enterprise Tax (previously named "Enterprise Tax Module (ETM)"), then the "Enterprise Tax / ETM column will help you map Enterprise Tax output to the LookUpByAddress API output, For more information about Spectrum Enterprise Tax, see the Spectrum Enterprise Tax Guide.
Table 1. By Feature
Feature GeoTAX API Enterprise Tax / ETM Description
Address Match TaxCounty.code County.Code Extracted from the Census.BlockCode.
Address Match TaxCounty.name County.Name Name of the county.
Address Match TaxState.code StateCode Two-digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) state code extracted from the Census.BlockCode.
Address Match TaxState.name State.Abbreviation Two-character state abbreviation.
Address Match Result.confidence Confidence Indicates the confidence in the output provided, from 0 to 100. The higher the score, the higher the confidence in the match. Calculated based on the match results for individual output fields, using the following algorithm: Census.MatchCode + LatLong.StreetMatchCode + LatLong.MatchCode. The maximum confidence score is 100, so if this calculation results in a value greater than 100, the Confidence score is returned as 100. The following values are used:
Census.MatchCode 5 = 45 9 = 75 A = 85 C = 55 F = 45 G = 85 I = 85 L = 85 M = 0 O = 85 P = 100 S = 85 U = 85 X = 0 null = 0 LatLong.StreetMatchCode H = 5 L = 15 S = -10 Z = -5 null = 0 LatLong.MatchCode 2 = 0 4 = 10 B = 0 C = 0 I = 10 L = 15 O = 15 R = 15 S = -10 T = -2 U = 15 Z = -5 null = -100
Address Match Result.preciselyId AddressMatch.PBKey A unique address identifier that is returned when an address match is made using the Master Location Database. The pbKey™ unique identifier is used as a lookup key to a GeoEnrichment database, in order to return attribute data for the match. The AddressMatch.PBKey field has "P" as the leading character, for example: P00001XSF1IF.
Address Match MatchedAddress.genRC AddressMatch.GenRC General Return Code indicating the type of match. 5 ZIP Code match 9 ZIP+4 Code match A User Auxiliary file match C Street Centroid match F Geographic Fallback match G State-supplied file match I Intersection match L Landmark Auxiliary file match M Multiple match (multi-match) O Input Latitude/Longitude coordinates match P Address point match S Street address match U GeoTAX Auxiliary file match X Cancelled processing or expired database Blank Did not match
Address Match MatchedAddress.formattedLocationAddress AddressMatch.Lastline The complete matched last address line (city, state, and postal code).
Address Match MatchedAddress.locationCode AddressMatch.LocationCode The Location Code indicates the methodology used to complete the geocode and may also provide some information about the quality of the geocode. For the list of location codes, see Location Codes in the Enterprise Tax Guide.
Address Match MatchedAddress.matchCode AddressMatch.MatchCode The Match Code indicates the portions of the address that matched or did not match to the reference file. For the list of match codes, see Match Codes in the Enterprise Tax Guide.
Address Match MatchedAddress.numCandidates AddressMatch.NumCandidates When there are multiple equally-scored matches, returns the number of multiple match candidates found.
Address Match MatchedAddress.dataTypeName AddressMatch.DataTypeName Indicates the file from which the match was obtained. One of the following: USPS TIGER TOMTOM - Streets NAVTEQ - Streets TOMTOM_POINT CENTRUS_POINT NAVTEQ_POINT MASTER LOCATION - Master Location Data STATE_FILE USER_AUXILIARY LANDMARK_AUXILIARY
Address Match MatchedAddress.firmName AddressMatch.Firm The name of the business if the address is a business address.
Address Match MatchedAddress.urbanization AddressMatch.Urbanization Urbanization name. Used for addresses in Puerto Rico.
Address Match MatchedAddress.postalCode AddressMatch.Zip The matched address five-digit ZIP Code.
Address Match MatchedAddress.postalCodeExt AddressMatch.Zip4 The matched address four-digit ZIP Code extension.
Address Match Not Supported (deprecated) ProcessedBy Not Supported (deprecated)
Address Match Parsed Elements MatchedAddress.street AddressMatch.Street The name of the street, not including any directionals or suffixes. For example, the word "Main" in this address:

123 E Main St Apt 3

Address Match Parsed Elements MatchedAddress.streetType AddressMatch.StreetType The street type of the matched location. For example, AVE for Avenue.
Address Match Parsed Elements MatchedAddress.houseNumber AddressMatch.HouseNumber Building number for the address.
Address Match Parsed Elements MatchedAddress.unitType AddressMatch.UnitType The type of unit, such as apartment, suite, or lot.
Address Match Parsed Elements MatchedAddress.unit AddressMatch.UnitNumber Apartment number. For example,

123 E Main St APT 3

Address Match Parsed Elements MatchedAddress.preDirectional AddressMatch.PreDirectional Leading directional. For example,

123 E Main St Apt 3

Address Match Parsed Elements MatchedAddress.postDirectional AddressMatch.PostDirectional Street directional that follows the street name. For example, the "N" in this address:

456 Washington N

Input Address MatchedAddress.formattedStreetAddress AddressLine1 Input address line 1.
Input Address MatchedAddress.formattedLocationAddress AddressLine2 Input address line 2.
Input Address MatchedAddress.city City Input address city.
Input Address MatchedAddress.stateName StateProvince Input address state.
Input Address MatchedAddress.postalCode PostalCode Input address postal code
Tax Jurisdiction TaxJurisdiction.geoTaxKey GeoTAXKey The value in this field varies depending on the option you specified in the Sales tax cross-reference key option: If you specified Sovos, GeoTAXKey contains the proprietary codes used in Sovos tax compliance software. You can use this code in your Sovos application to find out the tax rate for the jurisdiction. The Sovos jurisdiction code formats are as follows: Sovos SUT - 2-digit SUT state code, 5-digit ZIP Code, 2-digit SUT geocode Sovos TWE - variable-length TWE geocode If you specified Vertex, GeoTAXKey contains the proprietary Vertex® jurisdiction code (comprised of a two-digit Vertex® state code, three-digit FIPS county code, and four-digit Vertex® city code). You can use this code in your Vertex® application to find out the tax rate for the jurisdiction.
Tax Jurisdiction TaxJurisdiction.geoTaxKeyMatchCode GeoTAXKey.MatchCode Return code denoting the level of match obtained against the Vertex or Sovos cross reference files. E Exact match using five fields: FIPS state code, FIPS county code, FIPS or GNIS place code, ZIP Code, and FIPS place name. P Partial match using four fields: FIPS state code, FIPS county code, FIPS or GNIS place code, and ZIP Code. A Alternate match using two fields: ZIP Code, FIPS place name. N Record is default coded based on valid state code. null No matching record found.
Tax Jurisdiction Not Supported (deprecated) GeoTAXKey.MatchLevel Not Supported (deprecated)
Tax Jurisdiction Result.gnisCode GNISCode Unique nine-digit Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) code.
Tax Jurisdiction TaxPlace.classCode Place.ClassCode Place class code. Place class codes are used to determine the proper taxing jurisdictions.
Tax Jurisdiction TaxPlace.code Place.Code Five-digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) place code. A "place" is a geographic area defined on the basis of population criteria that vary by state. Or, an area recognized as significant because it is located in an incorporated municipality.
Tax Jurisdiction TaxPlace.incorporatedFlag Place.IncorporatedFlag Indicates whether the address is located in an incorporated or unincorporated place. A "place" is a geographic area defined on the basis of population criteria that vary by state. Or, an area recognized as significant because it is located in an incorporated municipality. Inc Incorporated place code. Uninc Unincorporated place code. Unknown Incorporation status unknown.
Tax Jurisdiction TaxPlace.lastAnnexedDate Place.LastAnnexedDate Last annexed date, in the format MM/YYYY, representing the month and year of the most recent boundary change or the most recent available boundary information.
Tax Jurisdiction TaxPlace.lastUpdatedDate Place.LastUpdatedDate Last updated date, in the format MM/YYYY, reflecting the month and year when TomTom updated the database to reflect attribute (name change, FIPS change, etc.) or boundary edits to the Place.
Tax Jurisdiction TaxPlace.lastVerifiedDate Place.LastVerifiedDate Last verified date, in the format MM/YYYY, representing the month and year that TomTom verified municipality change information.
Tax Jurisdiction TaxPlace.name Place.Name The name of the "place" where the address is located. A "place" is a geographic area defined on the basis of population criteria that vary by state. Or, an area recognized as significant because it is located in an incorporated municipality.
Tax Jurisdiction TaxPlace.pointStatus Place.PointStatus Returns the result for a comparison between the matched address point to the polygon defined by the Place.txb file. Note: The buffer distance for Place.txb is internally set to zero and cannot be modified. P The point is in the polygon. I The point is in the buffer area inside the polygon. B The point is in the buffer area and outside of the polygon. blank Polygon not found. For more information on buffers, see Buffering in the Enterprise Tax Guide.
Tax Jurisdiction TaxPlace.distanceToBorder Place.DistanceToBorder Returns the distance between the matched address point to the polygon defined by the Place.txb file.
Tax Jurisdiction TaxPlace.confidence Place.Confidence Provides the percentage overlap of the geocode to the Place polygon layer. The returned percentage value describes the probability that the point falls in the specified Place.
Census Census.block Census.Block Census Block ID.
Census Census.blockGroup Census.BlockGroup Census Block Group code.
Census Census.matchCode Census.MatchCode The level of match obtained against the databases. 5 ZIP Code level match 9 ZIP + 4 Code level match A User Auxiliary file match C Street centroid match F Geographic fallback match G State-supplied file match I Intersection match L Landmark Auxiliary file match M Multiple match (multi-match) O Input latitude/longitude coordinates match P Address point match S Street address match U GeoTAX Auxiliary file match X Cancelled processing or expired database Blank Did not match
Census Census.matchLevel Census.MatchLevel The level of match obtained against the databases. AbortedExpiredData Cancelled processing or expired database Aux2 GeoTAX Auxiliary file match Auxiliary Auxiliary street match FallbackGeographic Geographic fallback match Gov State file address match Intersection Intersection match LatLonInput Input latitude/longitude coordinates match LandmarkAux Landmark Auxiliary file match MultiMatch Multiple match Point Address point match Street Street address match StreetCentroid Street centroid match ZIP ZIP Code level match ZIP+4 ZIP + 4 Code level match NoMatch Did not match
Census Census.tract Census.Tract Six-digit tract number extracted from the Census.BlockCode.
Census Census.code MCD.Code Minor Civil Division/Census County Division (MCD/CCD) Code.
Census Census.name MCD.Name Minor Civil Division/Census County Division (MCD/CCD) name.
Census Census.pointStatus MCD.PointStatus An address can be compared to a Minor Civil Division (MCD)/county subdivision file (Cousub.txt). This output field returns the result for a comparison between the matched address point to the polygon defined by the Cousub.txb file. Note: The buffer distance for Cousub.txb is internally set to zero and cannot be modified. P The point is in the polygon. I The point is in the buffer area inside the polygon. B The point is in the buffer area and outside of the polygon. blank Polygon not found. For more information on buffers, see Buffering in the Enterprise Tax Guide.
Census Census.distanceToBorder MCD.DistanceToBorder Returns the distance in feet between the matched address point to the polygon defined by the Cousub.txb file.
Census Census.confidence MCD.Confidence Provides the percentage overlap of the geocode to the MCD polygon layer. The returned percentage value describes the probability that the point falls in the MCD.
Census Cbsa.code CBSA.Code Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) code.
Census Cbsa.name CBSA.Name Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) name.
Census Cbsa.metroFlag CBSA.MetroFlag Indicates if the CBSA is a "Metropolitan Statistical Area" or a "Micropolitan Statistical Area". Y Metropolitan Statistical Area - A Core Based Statistical Area associated with at least one urbanized area that has a population of at least 50,000. The Metropolitan Statistical Area comprises the central county or counties containing the core, plus adjacent outlying counties having a high degree of social and economic integration with the central county as measured through commuting. N Micropolitan Statistical Area - A Core Based Statistical Area associated with at least one urban cluster that has a population of at least 10,000, but less than 50,000. The Micropolitan Statistical Area comprises the central county or counties containing the core, plus adjacent outlying counties having a high degree of social and economic integration with the central county as measured through commuting.
Census Cbsad.code CBSAD.Code Core Based Statistical Area Division (CBSAD) code.
Census Cbsad.name CBSAD.Name Core Based Statistical Area Division (CBSAD) name.
Census Csa.code CSA.Code Combined Statistical Area (CSA) code.
Census Csa.name CSA.Name Combined Statistical Area (CSA) name.
Latitude/Longitude LtLongFields.matchCode LatLong.MatchCode Latitude/Longitude General Return Code. Denotes the level for which the geocode was determined. 2 ZIP + 2 centroid 4 ZIP + 4 Code centroid B Block group centroid C City centroid I Intersection L Match using the Landmark Auxiliary file O Latitude/longitude was input R Address-level based on street address S State centroid T Census tract centroid U Address-level match using the GeoTAX Auxiliary file Z ZIP Code centroid based on a five-digit ZIP code null No latitude/longitude determined If AddressMatch.GenRC is "P" (point match), then the following are possible values: 0 Latitude/Longitude coordinates from User Dictionary. 2 Latitude/Longitude coordinates from Parcel Centroid. 4 Latitude/Longitude coordinates from Address Point. 5 Latitude/Longitude coordinates from Structure Centroid. 7 Latitude/Longitude coordinates from manually-placed Point. 8 Latitude/Longitude coordinates from Front Door Point. 9 Latitude/Longitude coordinates from Driveway Offset Point. A Latitude/Longitude coordinates from Street Access Point. B Latitude/Longitude coordinates from Base Parcel Point. C Latitude/longitude coordinates from Backfill Address Point. D Latitude/longitude coordinates from Virtual Address Point. E Latitude/longitude coordinates from Interpolated Address Point.
Latitude/Longitude LatLongFields.matchLevel LatLong.MatchLevel A description of the value returned in the LatLong.MatchCode field. ZIP+2 ZIP + 2 centroid ZIP+4 ZIP + 4 centroid Block Block group centroid CityCentroid City centroid Intersection Intersection match LandmarkAux Match using the Landmark Auxiliary file LatLonInput Input Latitude/Longitude coordinates was used Rooftop Exact address match StateCentroid State centroid Tract Census tract centroid Auxiliary Address-level match using the GeoTAX Auxiliary file ZIP ZIP Code centroid Point Point-level match. One of the following: User Dictionary Parcel Centroid Address Point Structure Centroid Manually-placed Point Front Door Point Driveway Offset Point Street Access Point Base Parcel Point Backfill Address Point Virtual Address Point Interpolated Address Point XX need bullet points on listing
Latitude/Longitude Geometry.coordinates[0] Latitude Seven-digit number in degrees and calculated to four decimal places (in the format specified).
Latitude/Longitude Geometry.coordinates[1] Longitude Seven-digit number in degrees and calculated to four decimal places (in the format specified).
Latitude/Longitude Geometry.latLongAltFmtValue LatLong Returned latitude/longitude, in the format specified (up to 22 alphanumeric characters).
Latitude/Longitude Not Supported (deprecated) LatLong.StreetMatchCode Not Supported (deprecated)
Latitude/Longitude Not Supported (deprecated) LatLong.StreetMatchLevel Not Supported (deprecated)
Latitude/Longitude Not Supported (deprecated) Longitude.Directional Not Supported (deprecated)
Latitude/Longitude Not Supported (deprecated) Latitude.Directional Not Supported (deprecated)
User-defined Boundary Result.numUserBoundariesFound NumberUserBoundariesFound The number of user-defined polygons found for the address.
User-defined Boundary UserBoundary.boundaryDescription UserBoundaryn.BoundaryDescription A description of the polygon.
User-defined Boundary UserBoundary.boundaryID UserBoundaryn.BoundaryID The ID of the polygon as specified in the user-defined boundary file.
User-defined Boundary UserBoundary.bufferRelation UserBoundaryn.BufferRelation Indicates where in the polygon the address resides in relation to the edge of the area. Buffer width is specified by the option User-defined boundary . One of the following: P The address is inside the polygon at a distance from the edge that is greater than the specified buffer width. I The address is inside the polygon but is close to the edge. B The address is outside the polygon but is close to the edge. For more information on buffers, see Buffering in the Enterprise Tax Guide.
User-defined Boundary UserBoundary.distanceToBorder UserBoundaryn.DistanceToBorder Indicates the distance from the address to the border of the polygon. The distance is in the units specified by the option Distance Units.
User-defined Boundary UserBoundary.supplementalBoundaryID UserBoundaryn.SupplementalBoundaryID Indicates the distance from the address to the border of the polygon. The distance is in the units specified by the option Distance Units .
User-defined Boundary UserBoundary.boundaryConfidence UserBoundaryn.BoundaryConfidence Provides the percentage overlap of the geocode to the User-defined boundary polygon layer. The returned percentage value describes the probability that the point falls in the User-defined boundary area.
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Result.numTaxDistrictsFound NumberIPDsFound The number of Insurance Premium Tax Districts found for the location.
Insurance Premium Tax Districts BufferRelation.value IPDn.BoundaryBuffer.BufferRelation Indicates where in the district the location resides in relation to the edge of the district. Buffer width is specified by the option Tax district boundary . One of the following: P The location is inside the district at a distance from the edge that is greater than the specified buffer width. I The location is inside the district but is close to the edge. This indicates that the location is in the buffer area. B The location is outside the district but is close to the edge. This indicates that the location is in the buffer area. For more information on buffers, see Buffering in the Enterprise Tax Guide.
Insurance Premium Tax Districts DistanceToBorder.value IPDn.BoundaryBuffer.DistanceToBorder Indicates the distance in feet from the location to the border of the district.
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Not supported (deprecated) IPDn.BoundaryConfidence Not supported (deprecated)
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Ipd.districtID IPDn.DistrictID IPD ID.
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Ipd.districtName IPDn.DistrictName IPD name.
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Ipd.districtType.value IPDn.DistrictType IPD district type.
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Ipd.updateDate IPDn.UpdateDate IPD update date (MMYYYY).
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Ipd.versionDate IPDn.VersionDate IPD compiled date (MMYYYY).
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Ipd.notes IPDn.Notes Tax code descriptions. For example: 01, 33, A, B.
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Ipd.changeDate IPDn.ChangeDate IPD change date.
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Ipd.effectiveDate IPDn.EffectiveDate MMDDYY - Identifies when district becomes active - State supplied For example: 010108
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Ipd.expirationDate IPDn.ExpirationDate MMDDYY - Identifies when district becomes inactive - State supplied For example: 063009
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.value IPDn.FireRate Format is dependent on associated flag For example: .13, 15.00 or 3;7
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.format IPDn.FireFlag P - Percentage; .1 = 10%, .0575 = 5.75% F - Flat Fee dollar amount M - Multiple Percentages has a semi colon as a delimiter. 3;7 = "3% or 7%"
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.value IPDn.CasualtyRate Format is dependent on associated flag For example: .13, 15.00 or 3;7
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.format IPDn.CasualtyFlag P - Percentage; .1 = 10%, .0575 = 5.75% F - Flat Fee dollar amount M - Multiple Percentages has a semicolon as a delimiter. 3;7 = "3% or 7%"
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.value IPDn.VehicleRate Format is dependent on associated flag For example: .13, 15.00 or 3;7
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.format IPDn.VehicleFlag P - Percentage; .1 = 10%, .0575 = 5.75% F - Flat Fee dollar amount M - Multiple Percentages has a semicolon as a delimiter. 3;7 = "3% or 7%"
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.value IPDn.MarineRate Format is dependent on associated flag For example: .13, 15.00 or 3;7
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.format IPDn.MarineFlag P - Percentage; .1 = 10%, .0575 = 5.75% F - Flat Fee dollar amount M - Multiple Percentages has a semicolon as a delimiter. 3;7 = "3% or 7%"
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.value IPDn.HealthRate Format is dependent on associated flag For example: .13, 15.00 or 3;7
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.format IPDn.HealthFlag P - Percentage; .1 = 10%, .0575 = 5.75% F - Flat Fee dollar amount M - Multiple Percentages has a semicolon as a delimiter. 3;7 = "3% or 7%
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.value IPDn.LifeRate Format is dependent on associated flag For example: .13, 15.00 or 3;7
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.format IPDn.LifeFlag P - Percentage; .1 = 10%, .0575 = 5.75% F - Flat Fee dollar amount M - Multiple Percentages has a semicolon as a d
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.value IPDn.OtherRate Format is dependent on associated flag Possible Values: .13, 15.00 or 3;7
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.format IPDn.OtherFlag P - Percentage; .1 = 10%, .0575 = 5.75% F - Flat Fee dollar amount M - Multiple Percentages has a semicolon as a delimiter. 3;7 = "3% or 7%"
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.value IPDn.MinimumRate Format is dependent on associated flag For example: .13, 15.00 or 3;7
Insurance Premium Tax Districts Rate.format IPDn.MinimumFlag P - Percentage; .1 = 10%, .0575 = 5.75% F - Flat Fee dollar amount M - Multiple Percentages has a semicolon as a deli
Payroll Tax Districts Result.numTaxDistrictsFound NumberPAYsFound Number of payroll tax districts found for the location.
Payroll Tax Districts BufferRelation.value PAYn.BoundaryBuffer.BufferRelation Indicates where in the district the location resides in relation to the edge of the district. Buffer width is specified by the option Tax district boundary . One of the following: P The location is inside the district at a distance from the edge that is greater than the specified buffer width. I The location is inside the district but is close to the edge. This indicates that the location is in the buffer area. B The location is outside the district but is close to the edge. This indicates that the location is in the buffer area. For more information on buffers, see Buffering in the Enterprise Tax Guide.
Payroll Tax Districts DistanceToBorder.value PAYn.BoundaryBuffer.DistanceToBorder Indicates the distance in feet from the location to the border of the district.
Payroll Tax Districts Not Supported (deprecated) PAYn.BoundaryConfidence Not Supported (deprecated)
Payroll Tax Districts PayrollTaxDistrict.districtId PAYn.DistrictID PAY district ID.
Payroll Tax Districts PayrollTaxDistrict.districtName PAYn.DistrictName PAY district name.
Payroll Tax Districts PayrollTaxDistrict.districtType PAYn.DistrictType PAY district type.
Payroll Tax Districts PayrollTaxDistrict.id PAYn.ID PAY ID.
Payroll Tax Districts PayrollTaxDistrict.municipalEMSTax PAYn.MunicipalEMSTax PAY municipality emergency municipal services tax. The values for Pennsylvania are: Y Levies the tax N Does not levy the tax All other states are null.
Payroll Tax Districts PayrollTaxDistrict.municipalIncomeTax PAYn.MunicipalIncomeTax PAY municipality income tax. The values for Pennsylvania are: R Resident N Non-resident B Both X None All other states are null.
Payroll Tax Districts PayrollTaxDistrict.schoolDistrictEMSTax PAYn.SchoolDistrictEMSTax PAY school district emergency municipal services tax. The Values for Pennsylvania are: Y Levies the tax N Does not levy the tax All other states are null.
Payroll Tax Districts PayrollTaxDistrict.schoolDistrictIncomeTax PAYn.SchoolDistrictIncomeTax PAY school district income tax. The values for Pennsylvania are: R Resident N Non-resident B Both X N The values for Ohio are: R Resident X None All other states are null.
Special Purpose Tax Districts Result.numTaxDistrictsFound NumberSPDsFound Number of Special Purpose Tax Districts found for the location.
Special Purpose Tax Districts BufferRelation.value SPDn.BoundaryBuffer.BufferRelation Indicates where in the district the location resides in relation to the edge of the district. Buffer width is specified by the option Tax district boundary. One of the following: P The location is inside the district at a distance from the edge that is greater than the specified buffer width. I The location is inside the district but is close to the edge. This indicates that the location is in the buffer area. B The location is outside the district but is close to the edge. This indicates that the location is in the buffer area. For more information on buffers, see Buffering in the Enterprise Tax Guide.
Special Purpose Tax Districts DistanceToBorder.value SPDn.BoundaryBuffer.DistanceToBorder Represents the distance in feet from the address to the border of the district.
Special Purpose Tax Districts Not Supported (deprecated) SPDn.BoundaryConfidence Not Supported (deprecated)
Special Purpose Tax Districts SpecialPurposeDistrict.compiledDate SPDn.CompiledDate SPD compiled date.
Special Purpose Tax Districts SpecialPurposeDistrict.districtCode SPDn.DistrictCode 3-digit district type code.
Special Purpose Tax Districts SpecialPurposeDistrict.districtName SPDn.DistrictName SPD name.
Special Purpose Tax Districts SpecialPurposeDistrict.districtNumber SPDn.DistrictNumber SPD district number.
Special Purpose Tax Districts SpecialPurposeDistrict.effectiveDate SPDn.EffectiveDate SPD effective date.
Special Purpose Tax Districts SpecialPurposeDistrict.updateDate SPDn.UpdateDate SPD update date.
Special Purpose Tax Districts SpecialPurposeDistrict.versionDate SPDn.VersionDate SPD version date.
Payroll System Tax Code Result.numPTCsFound NumberPTCsFound The number of payroll system tax codes found for this location.
Payroll System Tax Code Ptc.matchCode PTCn.MatchCode Indicates the level of match obtained for the location. In order from most specific match to least, the possible match codes are: P The address was matched to a specific Payroll District ID. This is the most specific match. G The address was matched to a GNIS Code. F The address was matched to a county's FIPS code. S The address was matched to a state's FIPS code. This is the least specific match.
Payroll System Tax Code Ptc.payrollCode PTCn.PayrollCode A code that represents a taxing authority in a payroll application. This is a user-defined code. The specific codes are determined by the payroll application that utilizes the data returned by Reverse GeoTAX Info Lookup.
Payroll System Tax Code Ptc.payrollDescription PTCn.PayrollDescription A description of the purpose of this payroll code.
Payroll System Tax Code Ptc.payrollFlag PTCn.PayrollFlag A user-defined flag from the PTC database.
Sales and Use Tax Rates SalesTax.resultCode TaxRate.RC Tax Rate return code denoting the level of match obtained against the Precisely Sales and Use Tax Rate file: E Exact match, using all 5 fields P Partial match, using 4 fields A Alternate match, using 3 fields N Record is default-coded based on valid state code. Blank No matching PB Software Sales and Use Tax Rate record found.
Sales and Use Tax Rates SalesTax.municipalTaxRate Municipal.SalesTaxRate Municipality sales tax rate for the selected tax rate type.
Sales and Use Tax Rates SalesTax.countyTaxRate County.SalesTaxRate County sales tax rate for the selected tax rate type.
Sales and Use Tax Rates SalesTax.stateTaxRate State.SalesTaxRate State sales tax rate for the selected tax rate type.
Sales and Use Tax Rates SalesTax.totalTaxRate TaxRate.SalesTotal The sum of the individual Municipal, County, State and SPD sales tax rates.
Sales and Use Tax Rates SpecialPurposeDistrictTax.taxRate SPDn.SalesTaxRate Sales tax rate for up to 10 Special Purpose Districts (SPD).
Sales and Use Tax Rates UseTax.municipalTaxRate Municipal.UseTaxRate Municipality use tax rate for the selected tax rate type.
Sales and Use Tax Rates UseTax.countyTaxRate County.UseTaxRate County use tax rate for the selected tax rate type.
Sales and Use Tax Rates UseTax.stateTaxRate State.UseTaxRate State use tax rate for the selected tax rate type.
Sales and Use Tax Rates UseTax.totalTaxRate TaxRate.UseTotal The sum of the individual Municipal, County, State and SPD use tax rates.
Sales and Use Tax Rates SpecialPurposeDistrictTax.taxRate SPDn.UseTaxRate Use tax rate for up to 10 Special Purpose Districts (SPD).
Auxiliary File Not Supported (deprecated) AuxiliaryData.AuxiliaryFile Not Supported (deprecated)
Auxiliary File Not Supported (deprecated) AuxiliaryData.StateFile Not Supported (deprecated)