Troubleshooting Connect CDC (SQData) - connect_cdc_sqdata - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Troubleshooting

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Connect > Connect CDC (SQData)
Product name
Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Troubleshooting
First publish date

Connect CDC (SQData) running simultaneously on multiple platforms can be a complex. It is recommended to use the troubleshooting section to diagnose and resolve issues.

We recognize that direct support may be required. While support requests can be created on the portal, the recommended communication method is email.
  • Severity 1 Production issues - Call Connect CDC (SQData) support at +1-877-700-8270
  • For all other issues, send a "new" email to contact Support and include the word SQData in the subject line along with a few words defining the issue.
    Note: By new email, we mean do not to reply to an email from a previous case. If there are case references in the old emails, a new case will not be opened. New cases go into a support message queue that is monitored continuously and then assigned to a product support team, in this case one dedicated to Connect CDC (SQData). You and the others copied on the initial email will receive a reply from support or a support team member with your subject line and two case references in [brackets].
    Important: Include both references in the email subject on replies to maintain the case history even if the subject text is changed to start a new email thread on the same case.

    In the body of the email, provide a concise description including the information below and any additional information you may have depending on the component involved:

    • Platform, product version, release and build, for example: sqdata-zos-4.1.38 or sqdata-linux-x86_64-4.1.38
    • Source, for example Db2/z V13, IMS, CICS/VSAM, Db2/LUW or Oracle, etc.
    • Target, for example: Kafka, Kafka/EventHubs, Oracle, Db2/LUW, SQL Server, etc
    • z/OS JobLog from a failed started task
    • Output reports from processes on Linux, AIX, Windows
    • Diagnostic logs which may be too large to include in a z/OS Job Log and need to be TERSED. Process logs from Linux, AIX or Windows typically named for the component and include the process ID for example sqdata_<pid>.log or sqdrpl_pid.log.

Precisely has incorporated a variety of features to simplify and assist monitoring both day-to-day operation as well as troubleshooting issues that do arise.