SVC Option - mfx - 3.1

Syncsort™ MFX Installation

Product type
Product family
Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ MFX > MFX
Product name
Syncsort™ MFX
Syncsort™ MFX Installation
First publish date

The SVC option is used to assign an SVC number to MFX. An SVC is needed for MFX’s high-performance access methods, optimized DASD performance when using cache devices, and for the key data set facility. It is also used to access the SMFWTM SVC when writing records to the system SMF data set.

The SVC number specified in this option must be valid on your system, and it must be the SVC specified during MFX installation. Failure to provide a valid SVC number for MFX will cause a critical MNOTE to be issued when you are assembling the SYNCMAC macro, and you will be unable to install.

You may designate a value from 200 to 255 (nnn) for the SVC number. Be careful to select an SVC number not already in use on your system.

If you use SVC 109, you must also specify a valid router code (mmm) that is not currently defined. The router code may have a value from 200 to 255.

Use the following guidelines when specifying an SVC load module name:

  • If SVC=nnn is coded, assign a module name of IGC00nna where the “a” in “nna” corresponds to the last digit of the SVC number with an X'C' in the zone portion of the byte. This is the standard naming convention for a type-3 SVC. For example, if SVC=245 is specified, the load module name would be IGC0024E.

When assigning the SVC an IGC-type module name, a corresponding type-3 SVC slot must be defined via the SVCTABLE SYSGEN macro.   

  • If SVC=(109,mmm) is coded, assign a module name of IGX00mmm.

In all cases, insure that the load module name you assign does not already exist on your system. If you are converting from a previous MFX release, use a different SVC number for MFX than the one you used for the previous release to facilitate testing.   

Although the delivered default is 0 for both the SVC number and the router code, you cannot install MFX unless you substitute a valid SVC number for the delivered default.