Post-new-install actions checklist - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer_ - Assure_Elevated_Authority_Manager_(EAM) - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer_PGP - Assure_Encryption - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer - Required_for_All_Modules - Assure_Monitoring_and_Reporting_(AMR) - Assure_Security_Multi-Factor_Authentication_(MFA) - Assure_DB2_Data_Monitor_(DB2MON) - Assure_System_Access_Manager_(SAM) - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer_with_PGP - 7.0

Assure Security Installation (via Wizard) Guide

Product type
Product family
Assure Security > Assure Elevated Authority Manager (EAM)
Assure Security > Assure Encryption
Assure Security > Assure Secure File Transfer
Assure Security > Required for All Modules
Assure Security > Assure Monitoring and Reporting (AMR)
Assure Security > Assure Security Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Assure Security > Assure DB2 Data Monitor (DB2MON)
Assure Security > Assure System Access Manager (SAM)
Assure Security > Assure Secure File Transfer with PGP
Content type
Installation (Wizard) Guide
Product name
Assure Security
Assure Security Installation (via Wizard) Guide
First publish date

Use the checklist and the referenced topics to complete tasks necessary for the initial setup of a newly installed instance of Assure Security. Some steps are required for all Assure Security environments and some steps apply only to environments that have license keys for specific licensed features of Assure Security.


 If you used the installation wizard to install a new instance on more than one node (a system or partition running the IBM i operating system), you must complete the steps in this checklist on each node.

Do the following:
  1. License keys. If you did not apply license keys during the installation process, you must do so now. Use Obtain license keys after a new install without keys.

  2. Release Notes. Check the Release Notes for the service pack, available from Support, for information about changes that require additional actions before starting Assure Security or to enable new functionality. You may need to take any actions indicated in the Release Notes sections for the current service pack and all superseded service packs for this version. Determine if any indicated additional actions apply to your environment, when they need to be performed, and perform them appropriately.

  3. Reset system values. Ensure that system values are set correctly. The system portion of the library list (QSYSLIBL) must not include the product library. Also, if you changed the value of QALWOBJRST and other system values prior the installation, restore their initial values. Use the command

    WRKSYSVAL SYSVAL(system-value-name) 

    to access a specific system value, then use options 5 (Display) and 2 (Change) as needed.

  4. Log on. Log in to the system using a user profile that has at least *SECADM and *ALLOBJ special authority granted directly to the user profile. The profile must not be a group profile and its authority must not be granted through a group.

  5. Web application server. If you plan to use Assure Multi-Factor Authentication, configure the web application server now to ensure that the server can be started automatically whenever the product subsystem is started. The following command will configure the server to use the default port of 9000.


    If you need to use a different port or session timeout value, see topic “How to configure the application server” in the Assure Security Common Functions and Tools User Guide.

  6. Start subsystem. Start the security subsystem. The subsystem name is the same as the product library name, which defaults to SECOPS for new installations.

    STRSBS SBSD(product-library-name/product-library-name)
  7. Register an administrator. Most licensed features of Assure Security require that a user profile is registered as an administrator. Use Register an Assure Security administrator profile.

  8. Authorization list entries. Some licensed features require that you manually add authorization list entries for users. Use Add authorization list entries.

  9. Log out/Log in. Log out, then log in using the Assure Security administrator profile so that you can perform the remaining steps.

  10. Enable email. Most licensed features of Assure Security require the ability to send emails. To make this possible, use Enable emails from Assure Security.

  11. Schedule procedures. Most licensed features require that you schedule procedures that run daily and monthly. Use Schedule daily and monthly procedures.

  12. Exit point conflicts. If you plan to use the Assure System Access Manager licensed feature or the Assure Secure File Transfer licensed feature on the same system where you use other software applications that use IBM i exit points, you need to ensure that there are no conflicts with exit point usage. See Exit point considerations for a new instance

  13. Load models. If necessary, load configuration models for licensed features Assure Monitoring and Reporting, Assure System Access Manager, Assure Elevated Authority Manager, and Assure Multi-Factor Authentication. See the appropriate User Guide for details about loading and using available models.

  14. Main menu. Access the main menu using the command:   

  15. Configure. Complete configuration using the existing Assure Security Getting Started guides for your licensed features.

    Note: If you have a license for Assure Monitoring and Reporting, we recommend that you install the Internal Audit Model. See the appendix “Setting up the Internal Audit” in the Getting Started with Assure Monitoring and Reporting book for detailed information.
  16. Update your backup. Update your backup procedures to include Assure Security using Change backup procedures to include Assure Security.

  17. Windows Console. If you plan to use the Assure Security Console and other Windows tools, install them now using the instructions in Install optional Windows components.