Prepare for a new instance checklist - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer_ - Assure_Elevated_Authority_Manager_(EAM) - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer_PGP - Assure_Encryption - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer - Required_for_All_Modules - Assure_Monitoring_and_Reporting_(AMR) - Assure_Security_Multi-Factor_Authentication_(MFA) - Assure_DB2_Data_Monitor_(DB2MON) - Assure_System_Access_Manager_(SAM) - Assure_Secure_File_Transfer_with_PGP - 7.0

Assure Security Installation (via Wizard) Guide

Product type
Product family
Assure Security > Assure Elevated Authority Manager (EAM)
Assure Security > Assure Encryption
Assure Security > Assure Secure File Transfer
Assure Security > Required for All Modules
Assure Security > Assure Monitoring and Reporting (AMR)
Assure Security > Assure Security Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Assure Security > Assure DB2 Data Monitor (DB2MON)
Assure Security > Assure System Access Manager (SAM)
Assure Security > Assure Secure File Transfer with PGP
Content type
Installation (Wizard) Guide
Product name
Assure Security
Assure Security Installation (via Wizard) Guide
First publish date

Use the checklist and the referenced topics to prepare your environment before installing a new instance of Assure Security. Generally, plan to install software outside of normal business hours when system information activity is low.


If you use the installation wizard to install an instance on more than one node (a system or partition running the IBM i operating system), you must complete the steps in this checklist for Assure Security on each node.

This checklist identifies recommended actions to prepare your environment for installing a new instance of Assure Security and considerations that may require modifying your environment before installing.

  1. Supported migrations. If you are migrating an Alliance product to Assure Security, confirm that your existing Alliance product version is supported using the supported migrations. See Supported upgrade and migration paths.

  2. Media choice. To confirm that your installation media choice is appropriate for your environment, see Installation media choices and considerations.

  3. Requirements. Review the software installation requirements identified in General requirements for installing or upgrading for details about the minimum IBM i operating system and user profile requirements for installing. Also, you may need to modify your environment to address storage and communications requirements or to temporarily change system values.

  4. Installation wizard requirements. Review the wizard’s additional system and communications requirements for the IBM i system and communications requirements for the PC on which the wizard runs. Also, wizard users may need to change PC settings that control data transfer rates. See Installation wizard requirements.

  5. Web application. If you plan to use the Assure Multi-Factor Authentication licensed feature, verify that the system meets the operational requirements for the web application server identified in Assure Security application server requirements.

  6. IBM PTFs. Check for and apply the latest IBM PTFs associated with IBM i releases that pertain to your environment. See Check for required IBM i PTFs.

  7. High availability integration. If you plan to install Assure Security on a system where a high availability product such as Assure MIMIX or Assure QuickEDD exists, you must take action to ensure that the security product’s objects are properly identified for inclusion or exclusion from replication according to your environment’s needs. You may need to make configuration changes to the high availability product before installing, or you may need to address installing Assure Security on multiple systems before resuming replication activity following an installation. Use the information in Integration with a high availability environment.

  8. Additional information. Check the following sources available from Support for Assure Security version 7.0 for additional information:
    • Release Notes - The Assure Security Release Notes for the service pack contains details about enhancements and fixes delivered in each software service pack, and may include special instructions for actions to be performed before installing the service pack. Each service pack includes all superseded service packs for the same version of Assure Security so check the superseded sections of the document, too. 
      Also, check the superseded sections of the Assure Security Release Notes for any additional action required for superseded service packs which are not already installed on your system.
    • Technical Alerts - Technical Alerts, if any exist, identify significant scenarios that may affect your environment and what actions to take to avoid or resolve problems.
  9. User-defined objects. If License Manager is already installed, move any user-created objects or programs in the LAKEVIEW and VSI001LIB libraries to a different location before installing this service pack. These locations are used by multiple Precisely products. Any user-created objects or programs in these locations will be deleted during the installation process.

  10. System values. You may need to temporarily change system values. The system library list (QSYSLIBL) system value has specific requirements for what can and cannot be included. Other system values also require specific values. Use the command WRKSYSVAL to access system values and use options 5 (Display) and 2 (Change) as needed to specify the values required by the installation process. See System value requirements for installing software for details.

  11. You are ready to start installing a new instance of Assure Security using Install a new instance using the wizard.