Acquire Parameter Specifications - syncsort_capacity_management - 12.50

Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide

Product type
Product family
Syncsort™ Software
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Product name
Syncsort™ Capacity Management
Syncsort™ Capacity Management Installation Guide
First publish date
Acquire uses the following parameters.
  • All parameters are in the form: KEYWORD=VALUE

  • There must be no spaces before or after the = sign.

  • Any line starting with an asterisk ( * ) or a blank will be treated as a comment.



The type of run to be performed: SCAN or USERSCAN or COLLECT

  • If RUNTYPE=SCAN is specified, Acquire produces listings of the counts of z/VM records found in the input data, and the lower and upper dates and times seen.

  • If RUNTYPE=USERSCAN is specified, then as the input z/VM data is processed, a list of the unique guest names are generated, sorted into name order and printed.

  • If RUNTYPE=COLLECT is specified, Acquire writes data for all the measurement intervals, as determined by the SDATE, STIME, EDATE and ETIME parameters, into the output file, for later use by Syncsort™ Capacity Management applications.

  • If RUNTYPE is not specified, RUNTYPE=SCAN is assumed.

The following parameters are mandatory with RUNTYPE=COLLECT, and optional otherwise:



The target number (tttttttt) as defined in System Manager and the z/VM system name (ssssssss) of a system for which data is to be captured, for example TARGET=12345678=ZVM001. The target number does not need leading zeros, so for example TARGET=12=ZVM002 is valid.

Acquire will cross-check the name of the z/VM system in the data with the value in the TARGET statement.

The following parameters are optional with RUNTYPE=COLLECT and are ignored for other run types.



The earliest date for which you want to capture data. This can be before the date of the first record in the input SMF dataset. The form DDMMMYY, for example 17APR10. Valid values of MMM are: JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC.

The default start date is 01JAN60 (meaning 1960).

You may also specify either of these words: TODAY or YESTERDAY. This will instruct Acquire to use the run date, or the previous day’s date as the SDATE= value. The calculated value will be printed in the “Options in effect” report in the Acquire //VMMSGS file.



The time on the start date from which you want to capture data in the form HHMM, for example 0900. If not provided it defaults to 0000.

If you specify STIME= you must also specify SDATE.



The date when you want capture to stop. This can be after the last record in the input data. The format is the same as for SDATE.

The default end date is 16SEP42 (meaning 2042).

You may also specify either of these words: TODAY or YESTERDAY. This will instruct Acquire to use the run date, or the previous day’s date as the EDATE= value. The calculated value will be printed in the “Options in effect” report in the Acquire //VMMSGS file.



The time on the end date from which you want to capture data in the form HHMM, for example 1700. If not provided it defaults to 2359.

If you specify ETIME= you must also specify EDATE.



This card controls if the output data from Acquire is to be compressed by removing unnecessary zeros and spaces from numbers. This is not “zipping” the data, it is still human-readable (just about), but will significantly reduce the output file size. Additional CPU time will be consumed compressing the data, and this will be displayed on the job log to make it easy to decide whether the trade-off of CPU vs. I/O is something you want to use.



This control card is used to turn on specific module debugging within Acquire. This should only be done if requested by Precisely, as it can cause a very large number of not very friendly lines of information to be written to the //VMMSGS file, and degrades performance. If specified, the <string> value must comprise 16 Y or N characters. Each one turns on or off the debugging in a particular module.



This parameter allows the user to select if disks with no volume serial are to be recorded or not. The default is Y to avoid such devices. Set DROPNV=N if you want to include all the disk devices on the system whether they are in use or not. Note that DROPNV=N will add many more devices with no useful metrics to the Capacity Database.



By default files written to USS will be compressed. USSCOMP=Y will result in a file that has been processed by the standard “compress” utility of z/OS UNIX. The file name will be changed to reflect this, for example from:


- to -


Control Center will recognize that it contains EBCDIC data (the ‘e’) instead of the usual ASCII data and is a compressed file (the first ‘z’).

Using USSCOMP=Y can result in file sizes up to 10 times smaller than the uncompressed data for a very modest increase in CPU time. File names will be altered from _az to _ez and must be transferred to Control Center in binary mode. If you also code COMPRESS=Y then the data will already have had unnecessary zeros and spaces “squashed” out prior to compressing in the USS file system.



If USSONLY=Y is provided indicates that data is ONLY to be written to UNIX System Services (USS) using the path name in USSPATH= and not to the //AVMDATA file.

If the writing data to USS encounters a fatal error, Acquire will log the fact and continue writing only to the //AVMDATA file. If USSONLY=Y is in effect then Acquire will abend as it will have nowhere else to write to.



If provided indicates that data is to be written to UNIX System Services (USS) using the given path name. Care must be taken to ensure that a USS directory or path exists with this name, and it must be entered using the exactly the same characters – USS directory and file names are case-sensitive so for example /SYNCSORT CAPACITY MANAGEMENT CORE, /Syncsort™ Capacity Management Core, and /syncsort capacity management core are three different path names.

REMAINDER=Y | <remname> | N

These parameters define workload names for Syncsort™ Capacity Management to allow the grouping of z/VM guest names when processing z/VM MONITOR data only. It is not supported when processing Velocity Software’s data, where it assumed you have already set up workload groups in this product.

Up to 100 WORKLOAD= parameters may be provided, each with up to 100 guest names. The workload names can be from 1 to 8 characters long.

Acquire will prefix workload names with W_ to make it obvious which are workload names and which are guest names Guest names within a workload can either be the full name of the guest system or a mask as follows:

  • * means “any characters to the right”

  • % means “any single character”

For example you could provide control cards of:


to group together guests called LINWEBA, LINWEB07 and LINWEB# under a workload name of W_LINWEBSV.

If you had these guest names:


You could group them together by providing a parameter of USER=%SAP* to say “any single character followed by ‘SAP’ followed by any characters”.

When you specify one or more WORKLOAD control cards you can choose how anything not grouped together is dealt with using the REMAINDER control card. The default is REMAINDER=N which means that any guest not mapped to a workload has its activity information written out individually.

REMAINDER=Y will generate a workload called W_THE-REST

REMAINDER=<name> will generate a workload called W_<name>