Definitions for Extended Match Code (3rd hex digit values) - geo_addressing_sdk - 5.0

Geo Addressing SDK Developer Guide

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Geo Addressing
Geo Addressing SDK
Product name
Geo Addressing SDK
Geo Addressing SDK Developer Guide
First publish date

As mentioned in Extended Match Codes, when FIND_MATCH_CODE_EXTENDED is set to "true", additional information is returned about any changes in the house number, unit number and unit type fields in the matched address, as well as whether there was address information that was ignored. This additional information is provided in a 3rd hex digit that is appended to match codes for address-level matches only - A, G, H, J, Q, R, S, T or U (see Match Codes).

Extended Match Codes return additional information about any changes in the house number, unit number and unit type fields in the matched address, as well as whether there was address information that was ignored. This additional information is provided in a 3rd hex digit that is appended to match codes for address-level matches only - A, G, H, J, Q, R, S, T or U (see Match Codes).

Note: A typical match code contains up to 4 characters: a beginning alpha character followed by 2 or 3 hex digits. The third hex digit is only populated for intersection matches or as part of the Extended Match Code.

"Address information ignored" is specified when any of these conditions apply:

  • The input address is a dual address (two complete addresses in the input address). For example, "4750 Walnut St. P.O Box 50".
  • The input last line has extra information that is not a city, state or ZIP Code, and is ignored. For example, "Boulder, CO 80301 USA", where "USA" is ignored when matching.

For more information, see Extended Match Codes.

The table below provides the descriptions for the Extended Match Code 3rd hex digit return values:

Code In 3rd hex position means:
0 Matched on all address information on line, including Unit Number and Unit Type if included.
1 Matched on Unit Number and Unit Type if included. Extra information on address line ignored. Extra information not considered for matching is not returned.
2 Matched on Unit Number. Unit Type changed.
3 Matched on Unit Number. Unit Type changed. Extra information on address line ignored. Extra information not considered for matching is not returned.
4 Unit Number changed or ignored.
5 Unit Number changed or ignored. Extra information on address line ignored. Extra information not considered for matching is not returned.
6 Unit Number changed or ignored. Unit Type changed or ignored.
7 Unit Number changed or ignored. Unit Type changed or ignored. Extra information on address line ignored. Extra information not considered for matching is not returned.
8 Matched on Unit Number and Unit Type if included. House Number changed or ignored.
9 Matched on Unit Number and Unit Type if included. House Number changed or ignored. Extra information on address line ignored. Extra information not considered for matching is not returned.
A Matched on Unit Number. Unit Type changed. House Number changed or ignored.
B Matched on Unit Number. Unit Type changed. House Number changed or ignored. Extra information on address line ignored. Extra information not considered for matching is not returned.
C House Number changed or ignored. Unit Number changed or ignored.
D House Number changed or ignored. Unit Number changed or ignored. Extra information on address line ignored. Extra information not considered for matching is not returned.
E House Number changed or ignored. Unit Number changed or ignored. Unit Type changed or ignored.
F House Number changed or ignored. Unit Number changed or ignored. Unit Type changed or ignored. Extra information on address line ignored. Extra information not considered for matching is not returned.