Deploying Trillium Quality for Dynamics - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Quality for Dynamics Installation and Developer Guide

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Trillium Quality
Trillium Quality for Dynamics Installation and Developer Guide
First publish date

After you have installed Trillium Quality for Dynamics you must deploy it to the 365 environment using the Trillium Quality for Dynamics Deployment Manager. Deploying Trillium Quality for Dynamics adds the following elements to your Dynamics 365 environment:

  • Two solutions - Trillium Quality for Dynamics® and Trillium Quality MatchLink for Dynamics®.

  • Trillium fields (added to the contact, account, lead, customer address, and custom entities; Trillium fields are not added to any forms or views by default).

  • Six reports.

  • TSS Merge, TSS Duplicate Popup, and TSS Match Display security roles.

  • Entities used for batch processing, matching, and merging.

The Deployment Manager creates a log file during the deployment process. The file contains errors encountered during program execution, the date and time of each entry, and all output written to the screen. At the end of the deployment process, an option allows you to view or save the log file. The log file is overwritten every time you run the Deployment Manager.

Note: If you are upgrading from a previous version of Trillium Quality for Dynamics, see Migrating and Updating for migration information before deploying.

To deploy Trillium Quality for Dynamics

  1. On the machine on which you installed Trillium Quality for Dynamics, launch the Deployment Manager from the Start menu (Trillium Software > Trillium Quality for Dynamicsn.n.n. Right-click Deployment Manager and select Run as administrator). The Deployment Manager window opens.

    Note: The Deployment Manager requires .NET Framework 4.5.2. If it is not found, an error is message displayed.
    Important: Dynamics 365 cloud instances enforce Multi-Factor authentication on user accounts. The Deployment Manager does not support Multi-Factor authentication. It is recommended to use a service account configured with OAuth for deploying the plug-in.

    Deployment Configuration

    Some fields display a sample entry to assist you with entering the correct information. The sample is removed when you begin entering text.

    You cannot modify the name or path for the configuration file, but you can select and copy it. The configuration file contains information required for deployment. When you click Save, the configuration file is updated to include the information you supply in this window.

  2. In the CRM Server Information group:

    1. Select your Microsoft Dynamics CRM host location and authentication method:

      • OnPremise-Default

      • Online Office 365-OAUTH—Recommended
      • Online-Office 365-North America

      • Online-LiveID

      • ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services)

      • Online-Office365-Europe

      • Online-Office365-Asia

      • Online-Office365-Custom (Use this option to enter an online host URL other than those provided.)

    2. Enter the name or URL of the server that hosts CRM.

      • You cannot use an IP address. You must enter a DNS name or URL.

      • If you selected the Online-Office365-North America, Europe, or Asia option for your CRM host, this option is inactive. The server URL is automatically assigned.

    3. If your CRM port is something other than the default port 80, enter a port number (typically 5555).

    4. Select SSL Mode? if you are using the HTTPS web protocol, otherwise HTTP (the default) will be used.

    5. Enter your CRM Organization name. To view a list of available organizations, after you enter your CRM Login Information (that is, after you complete Step 3 below) click OrgList.

  3. The access privileges of the user identified in the CRM Login Information will determine the access privileges of Trillium Quality for Dynamics. For Trillium Quality for Dynamics to be able to access all records in the database, the user identified in this section must have those privileges.

    Note: Consider creating a unique Trillium user to use as the login user. Logging in as an existing user can cause complications should that user’s privileges change. Be sure to add the Trillium user to the active directory before attempting the log in.

    In the CRM Login Information group:

    1. If you would like to use your current Windows login information as your CRM identification, select Use Windows account for Autho­rization. (This option is not available if you are using Office 365 or LiveID authentication.) Ensure that your CRM authorization includes administrative access with plug-in registration privileges. The user must be a deployment administrator and an administrator for the organization specified in Step 2. If you select this option, skip to Step 4.

    2. Enter the User ID of a CRM administrative user with plug-in registration privileges. The user must be a deployment administrator and an administrator for the organization specified in Step 2.

    3. Enter the Password for the CRM user.

    4. Enter a domain name to be used to authenticate your credentials. A domain name is not required for CRM Online organizations.

  4. Click Test Login. A message indicates whether the test was successful. This ensures that your CRM server location and login information are correct. If the test is not successful, correct your login information before proceeding.

  5. In the TrilliumServer Information group:

    1. Enter the Server Name, which is the fully qualified domain name of the server on which EDQ is installed.

      Note: You cannot use an IP address to identify the Trillium server. You must enter a fully qualified domain name.
    2. Enter the Server Port, which is the port on which the Tomcat server listens for requests.

    3. Select SSL Mode if the HTTPS web protocol is used to access Trillium services, otherwise HTTP (the default) will be used.

      Note: If you are using Trillium Quality for Dynamics for the MSD 365 Online v9.2 environment, you must select the SSL Mode option. MSD 365 Online v9.2 requires the use of TLS 1.2 security protocol.
    4. If a Web Key has been created to authorize access to Trillium’s web server, enter the web key. The web key is generally provided by your Trillium representative. If needed, you can create one. See Creating Web Access Keys.

    5. Enter your Project Name. The default project is named CRM.

    Note: To make changes to this information after deployment, click the Utilities tab and click Edit Configuration. This opens the Edit Configuration window.
  6. Click Save. The configuration file is updated with your login information and your CRM and Trillium server information.

  7. Click the Installation Steps tab.

    Installation Steps
  8. Click Step 1. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Trillium Quality for Dynamics, the existing plug-in is unregistered and removed. The isolation mode is set to Partial Trust. Progress messages display in the message window. When the step completes, click OK to dismiss the Step 1 Completed message.

  9. Click Step 2-A. Trillium-specific fields are added to account, contact, lead, and customer address entities. This step may take a few minutes; progress messages display in the message window. When the step completes, click OK to dismiss the Step 2A Completed message.

  10. Click Step 2-B. When prompted, click OK to confirm the import of the Trillium Base Solution into CRM. When the step completes, click OK to dismiss the Solution Import Successful message.

  11. Click Step 2-C. When prompted, click OK to confirm the import of the Trillium MatchLink Solution into CRM. When the step completes, click OK to dismiss the Solution Import Successful message.

  12. Click Step 2-D. The solutions that were imported to CRM are published. When the step completes, click OK to dismiss the Publish All Completed message.

  13. Click Step 2-E. The Dynamics for CRM assembly is added to CRM. When the step completes, click OK to dismiss the Step 2-E Completed message.

  14. Click Step 3-A. The Match Link solution’s events are added to CRM. When the step completes, click OK to dismiss the Step 3-A Completed message.

  15. Click Step 3-B. Trillium Quality for Dynamics’s permissions are determined by the user context of the user performing the deployment. This step sets these permissions. When the step completes, click OK to dismiss the Step 3-B Completed message.

  16. Click Step 3-C. Three security roles are added to CRM. When the step completes, click OK to dismiss the Step 3-C Completed message.

  17. Click Step 3-D. The components required for batch processing are added to CRM. When the step completes, click OK to dismiss the Step 3-D Completed message.

  18. Click Step 3-E. Trillium Quality for Dynamics reports are added to CRM. When the step completes, click OK to dismiss the Step 3-E Completed message.

  19. Click Step 3-F. The configuration XML and images are updated. When the step completes, click OK to dismiss the Step 3-F Completed message

  20. (Optional; this step can be performed at a later time.) To add Trillium fields to custom entities:

    1. Click the Utilities tab.

    2. Click Refresh Custom Entities.

    3. Select an entity from the Custom Entities list.

    4. Click Add Trillium Fields. This adds the Trillium fields used for cleansing and matching to the custom entity. (You do not have to add Trillium fields to the tss_ custom entities.) Repeat this step for all custom entities to be configured. See About Custom Entities for information on configuring custom entities.

    Note: To view the list of the Trillium fields added to custom entities, open the DeploymentConfiguration.xml file in Trillium Quality for Dynamics’s Deployment directory and search for the <CustomEntity Name=”custom”> element.
  21. Select File > Exit to close the Deployment Manager.