Viewing Data Rows - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
First publish date
Data sources contain attributes with rows of data that correspond to the data physically stored in a file or table. You can view the contents of the data rows and attributes to help you evaluate the state of your data and better determine what business rules to run against your data. You can also export some or all of the data rows in a .CSV file to your client or server system, to share and view in other applications.
Note: Data rows are available when you open a single Data Source.

To view data rows

  1. In the Data Source results view, double-click a data source. The Data Source: Name panel opens along with tabs Attribute Summary, Source Metadata, Data Rows, and Rule Results.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Data Rows tab. Each column on the tab displays an attribute from the data source in the order in which it occurs in the schema. Each row displays the attribute data. All attribute columns display by default except for Row Length, Duplicate ID, and Row Value Count.
    • In the Data Source: Name panel, click Attribute Details and do the following:
    1. Select an attribute in the Attribute Name list. A tab opens showing that attribute's metadata.
    2. Double-click a row highlighted in blue. A tab opens showing values and metadata for the attribute.
    3. In the values tab, double-click a row to drill-down to the associated data row(s). The Data Rows: Selected Values tab opens, showing all data rows that contain the value.
      Note: You can also open the Data Rows: Selected Values tab by drilling-down from the Values Frequency chart.
  3. Filter, sort, and lock columns as needed. To show hidden columns or to customize your view by hiding columns or rearranging the order of columns, click Column View Options.
    Note: To view rows contained in a join, see Viewing Join Rows and Values. To view rows that contain specific pattern values, see Examining Patterns.
  4. Optional: Export data rows as needed. For more information, see Exporting Tab Rows.